the Future Primitive Podcast is back!

Fundraising Campaign

Lara Tambacopoulou


Joanna Harcourt-Smith

Host and Co-Founder

Jose Luis
Gomez Soler

Producer and Co-Founder

Jacob Aman

Co-Producer, Co-host & Tech

Since 2006, Future Primitive has been hosting intimate conversations with authors, visionaries and innovators who speak about our connection and partnership with the Living Earth. 
We provide this content in order to advance saner and more compassionate visions of our future, guided by our remembering of ancestral wisdom.

Support Future Primitive

If you find joy and solace in the podcasts that we create, please consider becoming a Sustaining Member with a recurring monthly donation.   For more than 12 years, Future Primitive has remained free to listen to, as well as ad-free. It takes us many hours a month to schedule interviews prepare and edit, and thousands of dollars a year to sustain. Your support matters and we appreciate any help immensely!

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Latest Episodes

Apart of Me

Apart of Me

Louis Weinstock speaks with Joanna about: the shadow side of modern Western culture; the invisible harms of addictive technologies and social media on our children and young people; unplugging ourselves from the distraction economy to meet our uncomfortable feelings and truths; designing a new service for creating communities for young people experiencing grief; human beings are wired to meet face to face; finding ways of connecting the on-line word to the off-line word; transforming our emotional experience into compassionate action in the world; a new remembering of unconditional love; “Apart of Me”, a free app that helps young people through bereavement; “I am enough”.

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Incarnating the Unknown Future

Incarnating the Unknown Future

John Woodcock speaks with Joanna about: the disconnect that is killing us; enduring the purification process by the Mother; the undoing of the heroic consciousness; the emergence of “living thinking” from the future; bringing the new, including the darkness; Salvador Dali and the fluidity of a new reality; the sacred speech of Nature; the new language of the poetic mind; ”deliverance will come from a storm of light”; welcoming darkness with love; human love and the grief and despair of the Goddess; birthing the future within us.

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Your Medicine Chest

Your Medicine Chest

Linda Burnham speaks with Joanna about: the head center as a place of spiritual liberation; our greatest wholeness; the complexity of healing; the natural energies of your hands and heart; the divine impulse in all living things; touching in a sacred manner; “your medicine chest”, medicines in your pantry; a natural remedy for concussions and bruises; the living experience of healing.

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From Growing Up to Growing Down

From Growing Up to Growing Down

Timothy Morton speaks with Joanna about: appreciating different time scales is part of ecological awareness; we are realizing we are part of the planet by despoiling it; acknowledging the fear of mass extinction; the convulsive power of beauty; the interdependence of ecological health and mental health; don’t grow up, grow down; living in an ambiguous, spooky and beautiful world; fakeness, truth, and the forces of oppression; the quivering quality of being alive.

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Nourishing an Emergent Reality

Nourishing an Emergent Reality

adrienne maree brown speaks with Joanna about: a social justice and liberation activism that feels good; punitive justice versus transformative justice; mercy and seeing the whole of the person; giving ourselves permission to feel everything; nourishing communities allow for a new future; emergent strategy immersions; a key insight of both pleasure activism and emergent strategies; changing the world through small and consistent actions; a way to overcome our guilt; developing a future where whiteness is not at the center; the conversation between black communities and indigenous communities; being willing to work deep at a small scale and build up.

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Asking the Right Questions

Asking the Right Questions

Daniel Christian Wahl speaks with Joanna about: the feeling behind creating regenerative cultures; the potential of the present moment; the paradox between humility and audacity; the key question about human survival; connecting young people with the living practices of regeneration; acting in urgent times with hope and knowledge; changing the underlying narrative of our culture; feeling the identity with the deep mycelial connection; how we see informs what we see; coming together in planetary collaboration to transform our way of being; sitting with a question in the wilderness.

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Praise from Our Listeners

Joe H.

“thank you for these podcasts…OMG…I love you so much…thank you again…your spirit is so wonderful”


“Thank you for all the work you do.  I have been listening to your podcasts since last year and they have changed my mind and my life so dramatically, in such a REAL way.  I have become more real, more alive, more LoveIncarnate, thanks to your sharing your love and your passion with the world.  When I listen to your voice, I feel like I’m sitting in the room with you and your interviewees, and I feel wrapped in warmth and home and love.”

Sir Pete A.

“Dear Joanna, I know that you know the importance of your work with Future Primitive to the many lives it has touched.  and, “Brava”.  But there is a dimension to this body of work, because it is a “body of work”, that I am not sure you know the value of.  Because you are chronicling lives and values unique in this world, and you are doing it with the very words of those we need to remember.”


I love your play with words and your love for words Joanna. Your comment: ‘this makes life bear-able’ – brought smile to my heart. Wisdom contained in our language when we hear deeply and hear every word. And playfulness. And who if not a bear in us has a strength to bear the unbearable that is happening now. 

Naomi W.

“I just wanted to thank you you Joanna for your amazing work on future primitive.These conversations have brought me much solace and comfort in a lonely place,whenever I hear your voice and the opening music to each interview I feel my whole body exhale and a sense of companionship with kindred spirits.”

Michael G.

“Thanks for all you work. You are making a difference.

Timothy A.

“Thank you so much for the gifts that are your website and podcast! It is wonderful to hear a gentle voice of wisdom amidst the inanities and din of the Internet. I listen to downloaded episodes of your interviews as I negotiate the highways of Atlanta, and am therefore able to arrive at work in a relatively calm state wherein I can begin to properly honor the day.”


“In 2010 I struggled with losing my job after 11 years, as well as several other personal difficulties that I still do not feel capable of writing about. That said, I wanted to tell you that I discovered your podcast in the midst of some of my most difficult days, and I found your interviews to be such a solace.”