the Future Primitive Podcast is back!
Fundraising Campaign
Since 2006, Future Primitive has been hosting intimate conversations with authors, visionaries and innovators who speak about our connection and partnership with the Living Earth.
We provide this content in order to advance saner and more compassionate visions of our future, guided by our remembering of ancestral wisdom.
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If you find joy and solace in the podcasts that we create, please consider becoming a Sustaining Member with a recurring monthly donation. For more than 12 years, Future Primitive has remained free to listen to, as well as ad-free. It takes us many hours a month to schedule interviews prepare and edit, and thousands of dollars a year to sustain. Your support matters and we appreciate any help immensely!
Latest Episodes
Bringing Breath to Life
Will Johnson speaks with Joanna about: Rumi and the practice of eye gazing; remembering the great wide open throught the felt presence of body and breathing; cannabis, an ally in waking up the vibratory presence of the body; cannabis and the spontaneous dance of Shiva; surrendering to breath and awakening the body; the real value of entheogens; the holding pattern of the egoic mind in the body; breath as the common practice to experience the sacred in the three Abrahamic traditions; Buddha’s instruction for breathing through the whole body; the somatic, palpable experience of oneness of the founders of monotheistic religions; a somatic meditation.
The Genesis of Now
Richard Doyle speaks with Joanna about: a life-changing meeting with ayahuasca; transcendental experiences in the classroom; the hijacking of nondual experience by institutionalized religion; detoxifying the patriarchal missapropriation of the Bible; a journey to discover our essential unity with the Divine; reading a text with complicity like a weaving and a dancing; “look within and find your inner banana peel”; remembering our radical intimacy with each other; the joyful work of claiming our freedom.
Diamonds from Heaven
Chris Bache speaks with Joanna about: the straightforward description of a 20 year journey working with LSD following Stanislav Grof’s protocol; the process of writing down a cosmological adventure; in service of the Great Mother; the meaning of suffering in deep psychedelic exploration and in our evolutionary journey; one of the strongest and recurring themes in this exploration; humanity is approaching a collective awakening; we are built for accelerated evolution, the birth of the Diamond Soul and the Future Human; communing with the mystery of the Beloved; the connection between cosmic love and living oneness; reincarnation and the Diamond Soul; becoming a conscious participant with the mind of the Earth.
A Vital Paradigm for the Future
Thomas Roberts speaks with Joanna about: a course on “psychedelic renaissance”; “mindapps” and “mind design”; psychedelics as “ideagens”; the religious use of psychedelics and a new religious reformation; multi-state theory of the human mind, problem-solving and development in different mindbody states; other forms of intelligence in other mindbody states; rare, unusual, even impossible things for our ordinary mindbody state might be symptoms of a deeper and wider reality; mystical experiences and the increase of psychophysical wellness; ayahuasca takes the lead; transcendence is the real healing.
Gaia and Psyche
Andrew Fellows speaks with Joanna about: Anthropocene, the damage we are inflicting to the planet; the paralel between James Lovelock’s Gaia theory and Carl Jung’s theory of the psyche; the panpsychist view, on the rise; identifying the 3 mechanisms that block our transition to a regenerative culture; discovering Deep Ecology; the unique quest for wholeness, not perfection; the ecological religion of shinto; numinous encounters in Japan and Peru; psychedelics and the profound affinity for trees; evil as absence of goodness versus active principle; the essence of frugality; Brexit, the denial mode of nostalgia; the Chinese story of the bird that grew bigger and bigger..; unus mundus, the underlying unity of mind and matter; the wall of patriarchy and the rebalancing of the feminine, Greta Thunberg, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Jacinta Arden; ecological crisis and meaningful suffering; joining the dots of individuation and deep ecology.
The First Psychedelic
Mike Jay speaks with Joanna about: a history of the first psychedelic; a long history before Aldous Huxley’s “The Doors of Perception”: Chavín de Huántar, in the Peruvian Andes; the difference between Western approaches and indigenous approaches to these plants; collective, ecstatic bonding; the difference between Huxley and Sartre experiences with mescaline; being with the transfigured world, here and now; Merleau’Ponty and the embodied psychedelic experience; the difference between mescaline and the other psychedelics; the male bias in the Western psychedelic literature; a new generation of women in the psychedelic world; finding a solution beyond the war on drugs; meeting the plants in their own terms.