Nine Worlds in the Tree

Nine Worlds in the Tree

Max Dashu speaks with Joanna about: Staff-women, the völur; the oldest texts about female spiritual leadership in Europe; a window into the ancestral heritages of North: nine worlds in the Tree, the nine primordial women in Nature; a common cosmology from Siberia to Scandinavia; the first primordial seeress mentioned in the Völuspá; theories about the Vanir, Álfar, ethnicity, and conquest; “the first war in the world” between the Aesir and the Vanir, one of the core themes in the Völuspá; the demonization of the other and divide-and-conquer, the tools of patriarchy through history; strong parallels between the Norse and Vedic stories; the nectar of wisdom, the mead of poetry; the hopeful ending of the Völuspá; ancestral recovery work for the people of European descent.

A Place of Beautiful Possibility

A Place of Beautiful Possibility

In this week’s episode Pat McCabe speaks with Joanna about: We need a radical course-correction; the oppression of Native American culture, we were born in Beauty; big changes in our current lifestyle; healing shame, opening to grace; we are in a time of pure potential; carried by the Spirit of Life into a place of visioning; learning to trust the Spirit of Life and the Earth community; from despair to surrender; inquiring what we can do in these times; calling upon the wisdom of water; the Human Reunion Ceremonies; the witch hunts as the archetypal wounding of humanity and the healing power of indigenous lineages; the vibration of truth; re-telling the old stories to change the future; ending the deception of the war between men’s nation and women’s nation; re-membering and giving language to the sacred masculine.

Nine Worlds in the Tree

Witch Burnings

Max Dashu speaks with Joanna about: the long history of women suppression; withcraft accusation for land theft from women; the crusade agains the Cathars; the consolidation of feudalism and the early witch hunts; the influence of the Roman legal code in the Spanish persecutions; the medieval patriarchal mentality in the bound up accusation “witch and whore”; accusations as a tool of control on the female population; the chastity ordeal of fire back to ancient Vedic and Blibical times; the dynamics of scapegoating.

Dancing with the Unknown

Dancing with the Unknown

In this week’s episode Vera de Chalambert speaks with Joanna about: dancing with the unknown; intimacy with the Mystery; mothers to ourselves; living in the time of disillusionment; the human soul’s calling and the World Soul; being part of a living planet; the nakedness of beautiful losers; life is the Tantric consort; when everything falls apart; the unexpected face of grace; hearts on fire in a time of trouble; the fierce love for our love is rooted in heartbreak; the paradox of wetiko; allowing suffering to speak; stepping into the lineage of Life.

The Enchanted Life

The Enchanted Life

In this week’s episode Sharon Blackie speaks with Joanna about: falling in love with the world; recovering from the disenchantment that is destroying the planet; the myth of human superiority and the emphasis on the transcendental; the sense of recognition of belonging to a place; Celtic mythology, being in service to the land; creating a new folk culture; how to make relevant the ancestral stories in the plece where we live; the Old Woman, creatrix and fierce protector of the land; the challenge of the loathly lady; wisdom and guidance of the old women; retrieving a vivid sense of belonging to the world; finding the answers outside of ourselves.