Rediscovering Ourselves

Rediscovering Ourselves

Speakers at Bioneers By The Bay Connecting For Change (2011) John Francis, Ph.D.,  is an American environmentalist nicknamed the planetwalker. After witnessing the devastation caused by a 1971 oil spill in San Francisco Bay, he stopped riding in motorized vehicles, a vow which lasted 22 years from 1972 until 1994.  Several months later, to stop the arguments about the power of one person’s actions, he took a vow of silence. From 1973 until 1990, he also...
Rediscovering Ourselves

Nurturing The New Possibilities

Speakers at Bioneers By The Bay Connecting For Change (2011) Jodie Evans is a co-founder of CODEPINK and has been a peace, environmental, women’s rights and social justice activist for forty years.  She has traveled extensively to war zones promoting and learning about peaceful resolution to conflict.  She served in the administration of Governor Jerry Brown and ran his presidential campaign.  She has published two books, Stop the Next War Now: Effective Responses...
Rediscovering Ourselves

Wireless Technology And Human Health

Speakers at Bioneers By The Bay Connecting For Change (2011) Meg McMorrow and Bradford Harding speak with Joanna about the current state of research of the biological effects of electromagnetic and radiofrequency (EMF/RF) radiation – used in wireless technology – that have now globally distributed. What can we all do to protect ourselves from the adverse consequence of this pervasive form of pollution?
Rediscovering Ourselves

Embracing Our Gift

Speaker at Bioneers By The Bay Connecting For Change (2011) Destined from birth to teach the ancient wisdom, ritual and practices of her ancestors to those in the West, Sobonfu, whose name means “keeper of the rituals” travels the world on a healing mission sharing the rich spiritual life and culture of her native land Burkina Faso, which ranks as one of the world’s poorest countries yet one of the richest in spiritual life and custom. It is this...
Rediscovering Ourselves

Wholeness, Integrity, Cohesion

Speaker at Bioneers By The Bay Connecting For Change (2011) Former monk and long-term peace and environment activist, Satish Kumar is the editor of Resurgence, the longest-running environmental magazine in Britain. He is the guiding spirit behind a number of ecological, spiritual and educational ventures in UK. His books are No Destination (autobiography), You Are, Therefore I Am: A Declaration of Dependence,The Buddha and the Terrorist, and Earth Pilgrim. Satish...
The Organic Internet

The Organic Internet

Speaker at Bioneers 2011 (San Rafael, CA) Martha Elena Llano Serna is a graphic designer, documentary photographer, and expert in strategic thinking for environmental conservation. She is the founder of “SENTIR”, an educational project about endangered species and ecosystems that has become a Foundation which promotes sustainable development in Colombia. She has lived in the Colombian Pacific (Pijiba), helping to identify photographically the Humpback...