Antwi Akom

Antwi Akom

Antwi Akom founded the Wangari Maathai Center for Economic, Educational and Environmental Design in 2010, an organization that harnesses the expertise and imagination of leading academics, community leaders, and decision-makers to address policy and planning issues like energy, education, waste, water, advanced manufacturing, and design. The WMC’s most recent project is “Greening the Educational Industrial Complex” which is pioneering “Green STEM” curricular...
Greg Mortenson

Greg Mortenson

Greg Mortenson is the co-founder of nonprofit Central Asia Institute, founder of Pennies For Peace, co-author of the #1 New York Times bestseller Three Cups of Tea, and author of bestseller Stones into Schools In 2009, Mortenson received Pakistan’s highest civil award, Sitara-e-Pakistan (“Star of Pakistan”) for his dedicated and humanitarian effort to promote education and...
David De Rothschild

David De Rothschild

David De Rothschild is an adventurer, environmentalist and the founder of a group that primarily uses exploration and storytelling as a way to give nature a voice. David’s passion and commitment to action has seen him ski, dogsled and kite to both the North and South poles as well as visiting some of the world’s most remote and fragile regions in order to bring wide-spread media attention and, moreover, solutions to urgent global environmental issues....
Nikki Henderson

Nikki Henderson

Nikki Henderson is the Executive Director of People’s Grocery in West Oakland, CA. Under Nikki’s leadership, the organization has launched a new strategic campaign strongly focusing on: revitalizing the economy of West Oakland through all aspects of the food system, from production to distribution, and leveraging the power of local nutrition, education ,and major health institutions to reduce obesity, diabetes, and other major health ailments in West...
Robert Leaver

Robert Leaver

Robert Leaver has over 38 years of experience organizing over 500 projects for clients across the country. As a teacher, he helped found Boston College’s Leadership for Change graduate program, bringing a generation of leaders into the world of “systems thinking”. As a social entrepreneur, he helped develop many long-standing organizations, including the New England Sustainable Energy Association (NESEA) and the Business Alliance for Local, Living Economies...
Bob Cavnar

Bob Cavnar

Bob Cavnar is a 30-year veteran of the oil and gas industry with deep experience in operations, start-ups, turn-arounds, and management of both public and private companies. He was most recently President and Chief Executive Officer of Milagro Exploration, a large, privately held oil and gas exploration firm based in Houston, Texas with operations along the Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi Gulf Coasts, and offshore in the Gulf of Mexico. Cavnar holds a Master of...