Cambodian Arts Renaissance

John Burt is the Founding Board Chair of Cambodian Living Arts (CLA). An independent theatrical producer for 25 years, Mr. Burt was most recently the Executive producer of the new CLA commission, Where Elephants Weep, the first Cambodian American opera. Phloeum Prim is the first Director of Cambodian Living Arts, founded by Arn Chorn-Pond. He is a Cambodian entrepreneur and business leader who has worked with CLA for many years as a Board member and executive...

The Future of Evolution

Dr. Elisabet Sahtouris is an American/Greek evolution biologist, futurist, author and consultant on Living Systems Design.  Author of Earthdance: Living Systems in Evolution; A Walk Through Time: From Stardust to Us and Biology Revisioned with Willis Harman. Play in new window | Download | EmbedSubscribe:...

Slow Money, Restorative Economy

Woody Tasch is Chairman and President of Slow Money, a 501(c)3 organization formed in 2008 to catalyze the flow of investment capital to small food enterprises and to promote new principles of fiduciary responsibility to support sustainable agriculture and the emergence of a restorative economy. Play in new window | Download | EmbedSubscribe:...

Power to the Earth

Vandana Shiva, physicist, feminist, philosopher of science, writer and science policy advocate, is the Director of The Research Foundation for Science, Technology and Natural Resource Policy. She serves as an ecology advisor to several organizations including the Third World Network and the Asia Pacific People’s Environment Network.  In 1993 she was the recipient of the Right Livelihood Award, commonly known as the “Alternative Nobel Prize”.  She...

Car-Sharing and the Future of Transportation

Robin Chase is a transportation innovator. She was the founding CEO of Zipcar (the largest carsharing company in the world) and GoLoco (the first company to combine ridesharing, social networks, and easy payment). She writes, consults, and gives talks about the future of transportation and how to actually get there. Play in new window | Download |...

The Art of Volunteering

Peter Czarkowski is from Milwaukee, Wisconsin.  At 21 he dropped out of college to assist those affected by Hurricane Katrina.  Now 24, he leads a team of AmeriCorps volunteers from around the country.  Eight in all, the group call themselves “Kill Squad” because of their desire to kill apathy.  They are currently working with the Marion Institute to help host the 5th annual Bioneers by the Bay conference in New Bedford....