An Opportunity to Feel Money Differently

Our Love And/Or Our Money. Does time present us with a unique opportunity to think, feel and “do” our money differently. Clemens Pietzner is the President of Triskeles for more information go to Play in new window | Download | EmbedSubscribe:...

Singing at Bioneer’s 2009

Mercy and David sang on stage at the Bioneer’s by the Bay conference. Play in new window | Download | EmbedSubscribe:...

Open Heart, Open Hands

Nipun Mehta is the founder of Charity Focus a fully volunteer driven organization started in 1999. Charity Focus has now become an incubator of gift-economy projects ranging from web services to a film production company to a print magazine to a restaurant. With a membership of 250.000, they attract millions of viewers to their website, Play in new window...

Clean Energy Solutions

Clean energy solutions can stimulate business opportunities and job creation. All proposed technologies must also be examined as to their health and safety, environmental impact, the economic feasibility and benefits. Life cycles analysis can help separate those technologies that are “no regrets” -and can be invested in today- from those that require further study.

A Journey from Violence to the Healing Arts

Mr Pacheco’s motivation comes from his own life experience. As a youth, he was involved in a gang which took many things away from him. Now he is working at helping other young people turn their lives around. He was a gang member in the past that will become a great physician. He is at Georges Mason University attaining his Pre-Med degree. Play in new window |...

Wampanog Singers and Dancers

Jim Peters is the Executive Director of the Massachusetts Bureau of Indian Affairs. He is a member of the Mashpee tribe and a member of the Wampanog singers and dancers. Play in new window | Download | EmbedSubscribe:...