Marc Bregman founded Archetypal Dreamwork in 1973, is the Co-Founder and Co-Director of North of Eden and The Center for Archetypal Dreamwork and is on the North of Eden Executive Committee. Marc is a master Archetypal Dreamwork Therapist, in practice since 1973, a teacher and a trainer of teachers. He is the author of The Deep Well Tapes, The Secret of the Pomegranate, Sex, Trauma and Conjunctio and Hubris of the Heavens: Archetypal Dreamwork and Rudyharian Astrology.

Christa Lancaster is the Co-Founder and Co-Director of North of Eden and The Center for Archetypal Dreamwork and is on the North of Eden Executive Committee. Christa is a master Archetypal Dreamwork therapist, in practice since 1991, a teacher and trainer of teachers. She is the co-author with Marc Bregman of The Deep Well Tapes: Sex, Trauma and Conjunctio – it includes her spiritual memoir of her journey through this work called Vessel.

Christa and Marc speak with Joanna about dreams, archetypes, the process of dream groups, the emerging femenine…