Philip ShepherdPhilip Shepherd has a passion for adventure and exploration that has guided him for most of his life. At 18 it took him from his native Canada to cycle alone around the world through Europe, the Middle East, Iran, India and Japan. But that trip, adventurous as it was, merely expressed a commitment to a more crucial adventure – coming  to understand the subtle and often hidden aspects of our culture that affect us all, compromising our sense of self, our connection with the living world, our freedom of expression, and our creative engagement with the present.
In 2001 Philip began to write “New Self, New World”, and over the next nine years worked on it continuously to pull all the strands of his understanding together, and challenge the 10,000-year-old story of our culture, which tells us what it means to be human.
Philip speaks with Joanna about: a vivid relationship with what is; a mutual calling into existence; “the bubble age” of distraction; radical wholeness; allowing the world to touch our core; a grounded sensitivity; finding wholeness; remembering from the ground up.


”I Can’t Sit Still”, original music by Evarusnik