The Light-giving Language/El Lenguaje Que Da Luz

The Light-giving Language/El Lenguaje Que Da Luz

Américo Yábar is a poet, writer, founder of the poetic movement Salk’a (free energy, non-domesticated) that connects all the beings of the Pachamama and the infinite spaces of the cosmos. For many years, Américo has been doing mountain therapies , dedicated to the research and dissemination of contemporary and old ways. He was born and lives in the Andes mountains. In those illuminated, high immensities, with a clear identification with the Pachamama in a...
A New Food System

A New Food System

Speakers at Connecting for Change (2013) With a Bachelor’s in Political Science from Baruch College, and a talent for public speaking, blogging and singing, Tanya Fields is a reputed and rising public speaker and educator. Inspired by her experiences as a single working mother living in a marginalized community, Tanya Fields founded the BLK ProjeK in 2009 as a response to sexist institutional policies, structurally reinforced cycles of poverty, and harsh...
Humus and Humility

Humus and Humility

Speakers at Connecting for Change (2013) Joan Dye Gussow, Mary Swartz Rose Professor Emerita and former chair of the Columbia Teachers College, Nutrition Education Program, lives, writes, and grows organic vegetables on the west bank of the Hudson River. Long retired, she still co- teaches her well-known nutritional ecology course at TC every fall. Her service includes two terms on the Food and Nutrition Board of the National Academy of Sciences, a term on the...
Creating Change Through Vulnerability

Creating Change Through Vulnerability

Speakers at Connecting for Change (2013) Samara Gaev is a New York based activist, educator, theatre director, and performer. She is the Founder and Artistic Director of Truthworker Theatre Company, a social justice based hip-hop theatre company for high school and college aged youth in NYC. Samara is honored to be the Resident Artist/Scholar at Columbia University’s Teachers College: Graduate School of Education. She serves as an educational specialist, teaching...
More Real Than Reality

More Real Than Reality

Speakers at Connecting for Change (2013) Ptolemy Tompkins is the author of “Paradise Fever”, “The Modern Book of the Dead”, and “The Divine Life of Animals”. He worked extensively with Dr. Eben Alexander in the preparation of the initial edition of Dr. Alexander’s Proof of Heaven, as well as the expanded edition coming out in October 2013. His writing has appeared in The New York Times Magazine, Utne Reader, The Best...
The Next Right Thing

The Next Right Thing

Speakers at Connecting for Change (2013) As President of Hunt Alternatives Fund, Swanee Hunt is committed to advancing innovative and inclusive approaches to systemic change at local, national, and global levels. She chairs the Washington-based Institute for Inclusive Security, which consults with countries worldwide and conducts advocacy, training, and research to integrate women leaders into peace and security processes....