Kindness and Dignity are Lovers

Kindness and Dignity are Lovers

Joanna speaks with Cecile Lipworth  about her book “Tripping the Bardo with Timothy Leary”: the historic and politic context; a sinchronistic encounter; the medicines of Gaia; my outlaw philosopher; looking down at the abyss; the solution is dissolution; the soul fancy dress party; recapitulation and healing; responsible expansion of consciousness; facing the personal and cultural shadow; becoming an authentic, empowered woman; the greatest taste on...
Tens of Thousands of Role Models

Tens of Thousands of Role Models

Speakers at Connecting for Change (2013) As president-CEO of Manchester Bidwell Corporation and its subsidiaries, Bill Strickland builds partnerships to help the disadvantaged build a better future. Strickland is nationally recognized as a visionary leader who authentically delivers educational and cultural opportunities to students and adults within an organizational culture that fosters innovation, creativity, responsibility and integrity....
Taking Responsibility for the Earth

Taking Responsibility for the Earth

Speakers at Connecting for Change (2013) Princess Lucaj is the current Executive Director of the Gwich’in Steering Committee whose mission is protecting the Porcupine Caribou Herd whose nursing and calving grounds are located on the coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. She is a graduate of the George Washington University and has a long history of working with Native organizations in Alaska and throughout the US. She is also an actor and...
From Apathy to Action

From Apathy to Action

Speakers at Connecting for Change (2013) Maggie L. Fox is a veteran of numerous political, environmental and national issue campaigns and has over 30 years of experience mobilizing people to work for progressive change.  As President and CEO of the Climate Reality Project, Maggie has led a campaign to help citizens around the world discover the truth about the climate crisis and take meaningful steps to bring about global change. Along with Chairman and former...
Play Fair

Play Fair

Speakers at Connecting for Change (2013) Tal Dehtiar, co-founded MBAs Without Borders, an international charity that has engaged hundreds of business professionals from around the world to volunteer and help build small and social businesses in over 25 developing countries including Haiti, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Pakistan, Nicaragua and Colombia. In 2009, he launched the first premium footwear brand made in Africa, Oliberte Limited, which manufactures across Africa...
Gratitude in the Present

Gratitude in the Present

Philip Shepherd has a passion for adventure and exploration that has guided him for most of his life. At 18 it took him from his native Canada to cycle alone around the world through Europe, the Middle East, Iran, India and Japan. But that trip, adventurous as it was, merely expressed a commitment to a more crucial adventure – coming  to understand the subtle and often hidden aspects of our culture that affect us all, compromising our sense of self, our connection...