I Was Born To Empower Others

I Was Born To Empower Others

Speaker at Bioneers 2011 (San Rafael, CA) Beatrice Achieng Nas is a Ugandan Womens’ rights grassroots leader, and a citizen journalist with World Pulse – a global media and communication network devoted to giving women a global voice. Beatrice is touring the USA in October 2011. “I believe everybody has the potential to live a better life. Given the opportunity, education and motivation everyone can become someone admirable.” Home...
I Was Born To Empower Others

Be The Change

Speaker at Bioneers 2011 (San Rafael, CA) Nora Barrows-Friedman, an award-winning independent journalist, radio producer and writer, was the senior producer and co-host of Flashpoints on KPFA for seven years, and currently is on the editorial staff at The Electronic Intifada. Nora also contributes to al-Jazeera English, Truthout, Inter Press Service, and a number of periodicals. She is the author of a chapter on Western media and Palestine in the Project Censored...
I Was Born To Empower Others

Thinking Like A Planet

Speaker at Bioneers 2011 (San Rafael, CA) Toby Herzlich is a facilitator and trainer with a focus on leadership, sector enhancement and organizational excellence. With Nina Simons, Toby is co-designer and facilitator of “Cultivating Women’s Leadership,” a program for women working toward social change and environmental sustainability, and has created networks of emerging women leaders in war-torn areas of the Middle East and the Balkans. Also a...
I Was Born To Empower Others

The Herbal Kitchen

Speaker at Bioneers 2011 (San Rafael, CA) Kami McBride has inspired thousands of people to use herbs in their daily lives for health and wellness. She teaches experiential herbal programs in reviving the art of home use of herbal medicine. Her work is centered in sustainable wellness practices, creating self-reliance and revitalizing our relationship with the plant world. She is the author of Herbal Kitchen. www.bioneers.org/presenters/kami-mcbride...
Uprisings For the Earth

Uprisings For the Earth

Osprey Orielle Lake, MA is an artist, writer, and lifelong advocate of social and environmental justice issues. She is the Director of the Women’s Earth and Climate Caucus and on the governing Board of Praxis Peace Institute. She is the Founder/Artist of the International Cheemah Monument Project, creating 18 foot bronze sculpture monuments for locations around the world, where people can ponder a better future for the earth and humanity. Her themes concern new...
Speaking The Truth About Power

Speaking The Truth About Power

Derrick Jensen is an American author and environmental activist.  Jensen has published several books questioning and critiquing modern civilization and its values, including A Language Older Than Words, The Culture of Make Believe, and Endgame. He holds a B.S. in Mineral Engineering Physics from the Colorado School of Mines and an M.F.A. in Creative Writing from Eastern Washington University. He has also taught creative writing at Pelican Bay State Prison and...