Personal Experience and Spiritual Quest

Personal Experience and Spiritual Quest

Stanislav Grof, M.D., is a psychiatrist with over fifty years experience researching non-ordinary states of consciousness. Grof is one of the founders of the field of transpersonal psychology and a pioneering researcher into the use of non-ordinary states of consciousness for purposes of analysing, healing, and obtaining growth and insight into the human psyche. Being the founding president of the International Transpersonal Association (founded in 1977), he went...
Jeremy Narby Hosts Awakening The Cosmic Serpent: Shamanism & Plant Teachers in this Transformative Time

Jeremy Narby Hosts Awakening The Cosmic Serpent: Shamanism & Plant Teachers in this Transformative Time

The renowned anthropologist Jeremy Narby has explored shamanism and plant medicines for over two decades. In his much-admired books, including The Cosmic Serpant and Shamans Through Time, Jeremy has shared his wisdom and insights. For the first time, in this special video teleseminar series produced by Evolver, he will pursue these questions through two exclusive online lectures, and one-on-one discussions with four of the world’s leading experts on the...
Aloha: Changed by The Breath

Aloha: Changed by The Breath

“My name is ‘Iokepa Hanalei ‘Īmaikalani, but for the first forty-six years of my life I was called ‘Joseph.’ On January 30, 1997, just about everything in my life changed in a breath. I was no longer the person I’d always thought I was. I agreed on that date to accept my inheritance – and I did it on the strength of faith alone. I have learned how to ask, and how to listen for the answers in the wind and the waves, the rain and the clouds. I learned to wait...
The wisdom of not knowing (REDO)

The wisdom of not knowing (REDO)

NOTE: Due to audio technical issues, this show is a re-published version of the episode published on Dec3, 2010. Please accept our sincere apologies for any inconvenience. Timothy Freke is a philosopher or ‘lover of wisdom’ who is pioneering a simple new way to experience a profound spiritual awakening, which fully embraces our everyday humanity. He has spent his life exploring the awakened state he often simply calls ‘The Mystery Experience’, and helping others...
Awakening to a New Myth

Awakening to a New Myth

Theodore Richards, PhD, is a poet, writer, and religious philosopher. He is a long time student of the Taoist martial art of Bagua and hatha yoga and has traveled, worked and studied in 25 different countries, including the South Pacific, the Far East, the Indian subcontinent, the Middle East, Africa, and Latin America. Theodore has received degrees from the University of Chicago, The California Institute of Integral Studies, Wisdom University, and the New...
The Song of the World

The Song of the World

Eliot Cowan is the author of Plant Spirit Medicine, and a fully initiated Tsaurirrikame (shaman) in the Huichol (Wixárika) Indian tradition.  Eliot is the founder of the the Blue Deer Center and is a member of the Council of Elders for the Temple of Sacred Fire Healing. As a provider at the Blue Deer Center, Eliot Cowan offers Plant Spirit MedicineSM practitioner training courses, continuing education for PSM practitioners, healing camps based on traditional...