Interview with Marc Bregman & Christa Lancaster

Interview with Marc Bregman & Christa Lancaster

Marc Bregman founded Archetypal Dreamwork in 1973, is the Co-Founder and Co-Director of North of Eden and The Center for Archetypal Dreamwork and is on the North of Eden Executive Committee. Marc is a master Archetypal Dreamwork Therapist, in practice since 1973, a teacher and a trainer of teachers. He is the author of The Deep Well Tapes, The Secret of the Pomegranate, Sex, Trauma and Conjunctio and Hubris of the Heavens: Archetypal Dreamwork and Rudyharian...
Interview with Ken Stewart

Interview with Ken Stewart

Ken Stewart is a Vietnam war veteran who found poetry to be a way to come back home. He found that like a country can’t escape its history he could not escape his baggage and no number of southwestern sunsets could change that fact. “It seems at least every generation the US has sent young men to war. Although each one has its unique character they all take many young and less experienced men, and now women, and ask them to perform acts of violence...
The V-Day Miracle

The V-Day Miracle

is the Managing Director/Campaigns Director of V-Day. V-Day is a global movement to stop violence against women and girls. V-Day is a catalyst that promotes creative events to increase awareness, raise money and revitalize the spirit of existing anti-violence organizations. The V-Day movement is growing at a rapid pace throughout the world, in 130 countries from Europe to Asia, Africa and the Caribbean, and all of North America. V-Day, a non-profit corporation,...
Exposing Violence Against Women and Girls

Exposing Violence Against Women and Girls

is a New York Photographer whose internationally known work focuses primarily on women and girls whose outsider status places them within larger social struggles. She has had photos in U. S. News and World Report, The New York Times Magazine, Newsweek, The London Independent Magazine, Ms. Magazine, Paris Match, The Philadelphia Inquirer Magazine, Art In America and others. Over the past 18 years, Paula Allen has been photographing international events: The Birth...
The Rhythm of the Earth

The Rhythm of the Earth

‘s unusual path focuses on the hand-held frame drum, the world’s oldest known drum. For fifteen years, she researched the history of this drum in religious and healing rites in the ancient Mediterranean world culminating in her book, When The Drummers Were Women. Layne has been featured in many music festivals including the Touch Festival in Berlin, Seattle Bumbershoot Festival, the Institute for Contemporary Art in London, Tambores do Mundo in San Luis,...
Electro Sensitivity and the Use of Wireless Devices

Electro Sensitivity and the Use of Wireless Devices

Talal Jabari is a Palestinian/American who upon completing his Masters degree studies in 2000 and returning to Jerusalem, found himself thrust into the world of journalism by the onset of the Second Intifada. First as a fixer, then as a reporter, he covered the escalating violence for such prominent news sources as BBC World Service, South Florida Sun-Sentinel, and Al Ahram Weekly. In 2002, Talal started his TV career as an associate producer for CBS News as well...