Intimate Healing with Our Conscious Plant Friends

Intimate Healing with Our Conscious Plant Friends

Pam Montgomery is the originator of Green Terrestrial Herbal Products of Vermont and was one of the founding members of the Northeast Herbal Association where she served as their president for four years. For a decade, Pam was on the Executive Council of the Board of Directors of United Plant Savers, an organization dedicated to preservation of our native medicinal plants. Pam has been organizing the Green Nations Gathering for nineteen years and has presented the...
Guided by Dreams

Guided by Dreams

Wewer Keohane Ph.D. is an internationally represented and collected artist with works in permanent  collections of several museums.Wewer has been leading dream workshops for over twenty five years . She has also lectured internationally, including being the keynote speaker for the International Association for the Study of Dreams on the topic of art inspired from dreams. She is the author of “Artful Dreaming: A Primer for Finding Inspiration from Your...
The Spirit of the Place

The Spirit of the Place

Craig Chalquist, PhD is a core faculty member in the School of holisitic Studies at John F. Kennedy University. He has worked as a family therapist, conflict resolution facilitator, lecturere, and group facilitator, He earned his PhD at PAcifica Graduate Institute, where he studied depth psychology with an ecological approach. For his doctoral work he explored the history of California one mission city and county at a time while inspecting its geography, ecology,...

Green Architecture

Anders Nyquist is an Arquitect specialized in healthy buildings, resource economizing in buildings, sustainable, green buildings and green planning. “I am convinced and I have shown that it is possible to build green buildings based upon system design – EcoCycleDesign. We architects can play a vital role in creating a sustainable future for mankind and our fellow passengers on the globe.”

Singing to Peace, Love and Environmental Justice

Temistocles Blessed is an activist who works to raise awareness regarding peace, love and social and environmental justice. After attending Bioneers 2007, Tem began to set up his own renewable energy company called BleSSed Energy. Play in new window | Download | EmbedSubscribe:...

The Ecology of Commerce

Paul Hawken is an environmentalist, entrepreneur, journalist and author. He is author and co-author of dozens of articles, op-eds and papers, as well as six books including The Ecology of Commerce (1993) and Blessed Unrest (2007). Paul heads the Natural Capital Institute, a research organization located in Sausalito, California, that has created WiserEarth, a open source networking platform that links NGO’s, funders, businesses, goverment, social...