Re-Inventing Earth-Based Goddess Religion

Glenys Livingstone is the author of PaGaian Cosmology, Re-inventing Earth-based Goddess Religion. Glenys’ doctoral research at the University of Western Sydney in the School of Social Ecology was an experiential study of the three phases of ‘Goddess’ – Virgin, Mother, Crone – as Creative Cosmological Dynamic. Play in new window | Download | EmbedSubscribe:...

Human Design: A New and Powerful System of Knowledge

Director of Human Design America. The Human Design System is a form of cosmology which partakes of Eastern and Western Astrology and synthesizes that system with the Hindu Chakra, the Kabbalah and the I Ching and is a new, unique and powerful system of knowledge which provides a framework for understanding human life itself and specific knowledge about each individual. Play in new window |...

Creating a Caring Economics

Riane Eisler is an eminent social scientist, attorney, social activist and best known as author of the international bestseller The Chalice and The Blade: Our History, Our Future, hailed by Princeton anthropologist Ashley Montagu as “the most important book since Darwin’s Origin of Species”. She is also president of the Center for Partnership Studies, dedicated to research and education....

The Transformation of Consciousness

Psychotherapist, writer and researcher who has been involved in the study of transformations of consciousness since graduate school when he worked with Timothy Leary and Richard Alpert (later Ram Dass) on the Harvard Psilocybin Projects. He co-wrote The Psychedelic Experience, and was editor of The Psychedelic Review. He is the co-founder and president of the Green Earth Foundation, an educational and research organization dedicated to the healing and harmonizing...

A Human Treasure

Mary Lou Cook lives New Mexico and has contributed immensely as a major creative force and model of citizen activism. She has received numerous international, national and community honors and awards as a distinguished leader. One such honor was being named “Santa Fe Living Treasure”. She is a teacher, counselor, lecturer and minister who performs non-traditional weddings. Play in new...

Life as Art, Art as Life

Tina LeMarque Denison is an artist and author who documents primordial memory, myth and archetype using paint, digital photography, mediated imagery, and mixed media. Play in new window | Download | EmbedSubscribe:...