Seeds of Wholeness

Seeds of Wholeness

Glenn Aparicio Parry PhD, (Spanish, Basque and Jewish) is an educator, psychologist, and entrepreneur whose passion is reforming education into a coherent, cohesive whole. He is the president of SEED Graduate Institute in Albuquerque, New Mexico. SEED Graduate Institute offers a model of a synergistic, interconnected curriculum based in indigenous ways of knowing. SEED is currently preparing the “WISDOM FROM THE ORIGINS” (The Mayan Calendar and Other...

Due to the July 4th holiday, we will be publishing this week’s episode on Mon July 9th … Love to all. Joanna
To Educate A Woman…

To Educate A Woman…

Kristin (Kiki) St. Clair is the executive director of Humankind Foundation working in East Africa to promote equality and education to Maasai families. A Quaker since childhood, her focus has always been social activism and she has been tireless in the pursuit of justice and equality since the 1960’s. She began Humankind Foundation with another RN, a Maasai from northern Tanzania, and together they trained other Maasai to teach in the villages about HIV/AIDS....
Male Female, Dark Light, Inner Outer…

Male Female, Dark Light, Inner Outer…

Hillary S. Webb, PhD., is the Managing Editor of Anthropology of Consciousness, the peer-reviewed journal of the Society for the Anthropology of Consciousness and the former Research Director at The Monroe Institute. Having received her undergraduate degree in Journalism from New York University, Dr. Webb went on to earn an MA in Consciousness Studies from Goddard College and a PhD in Psychology from Saybrook University. She is the author of “Exploring...
Remembering the Wild

Remembering the Wild

Peter H. Kahn, Jr. is Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology and Director of the Human Interaction With Nature and Technological Systems (HINTS) Lab. The HINTS Lab seeks to address – from an ethical stance – two world trends that are powerfully reshaping human existence: (1) the degradation if not destruction of large parts of the natural world, and (2) unprecedented technological development, both in terms of its computational...
A Rite of Passage for Father and Son

A Rite of Passage for Father and Son

Tim Ward is an author, publisher, teacher, and traveler. He has written five books about his travels through Thailand, India, China, Tibet, Greece and Southern Europe, and most recently East Africa, among them: Savage Breast: One Man’s Search for the Goddess, What Buddha Never Taught, and Zombies on Kilimanjaro: A Father/Son Journey Above the Clouds. His stories have appeared in 13 anthologies, including Traveler’s Tales Best Travel Writing 2006, 2010, 2011...