A Love Affair with Life

A Love Affair with Life

Tim Freke has spent his life exploring the ‘Mystery Experience’ and sharing it with others. He has an honours degree in Philosophy and is an internationally respected authority on world spirituality. Tim has written more than thirty books exploring all the major spiritual traditions of the world. He established his reputation as a groundbreaking scholar with his controversial books on Ancient Paganism and Christian Gnosticism, co-authored with his...
Open Your Heart To Change

Open Your Heart To Change

Stephen Karcher, Ph.D., is one of today’s most creative and controversial writers and practitioners in the field of Yijing studies, divination and myth. He is an internationally recognized scholar, translator and initiated diviner, teaching and lecturing on the Yijing and other divination systems in the US, Great Britain, France, Spain, Switzerland and South Africa. As Research Director of the Eranos Foundation in Ascona, Switzerland (1988-1996), he pioneered a...
Sanctuary Anywhere

Sanctuary Anywhere

David and Judy Pierce created “Friends Along the Road” after the death of Lilli, their only child and best friend. With Lilli gone, Dave and Judy no longer wanted to live. Nevertheless, they managed to hang on. In May of 2000 they quit their jobs and embarked on a two-year journey through the back roads of the U.S. and Canada to see if they could find reasons to keep living. After visiting with family members, meeting many friends old and new, and...
Elemental Freedom

Elemental Freedom

Khepe-Ra Maat-Het Heru is one of the original members of The The E.S.H.U. Collective, a grassroots transformational leadership system based in Spiritual Warriorship established in 1997. Through her work with ESHU she has consulted with various programs such as The Marion Institute, The Massachusetts Commission for National and Community Service, YouthBuild USA, NeighborWorks America, Youth Recreation Counsel of Bermuda, Sisseton Wahpeton Oyate youth program of The...
In Search of the Lost Feminine (RE publish)

In Search of the Lost Feminine (RE publish)

Note: This episode is a re-publish of the 2008 conversation with Craig. Craig Barnes is an author, essayist, playwright and international mediator. In the 1980s he negotiated nuclear issues with leaders in the Academy of Sciences in the Kremlin, in the 1990s he facilitated talks between opposing sides in the war between Armenia and Azerbaijan and thereafter led talks to knit together transboundary water agreements between Kazakhstan, Uzbeckistan, Tajickistan, and...
The Medicine of the Moment

The Medicine of the Moment

Requa Tolbert is a psychiatric nurse, psychedelic researcher and medicine artist who lives in the desert Southwest with her beloved, George. From 1980 to 1985, George Greer and his wife, Requa Tolbert, conducted over 100 MDMA therapeutic sessions for 80 individuals; this is the largest published study of the use of MDMA in a therapeutic setting. www.stormridercards.com Requa speaks with Joanna about the card deck and the book she has created – “The...