A Country Where All Colors Are Sacred and Alive

A Country Where All Colors Are Sacred and Alive

Geoff Oelsner has built a following as a performer both of his own songs and of poems which he sometimes sets to music or chants and recites to the accompaniment of guitar, harmonica, dulcimer, autoharp, harmonium, and the shruti box (a drone instrument from India). He has released 2 CD’s of original songs, Morning Branches and Ordinary Mystery with musician friends, including Kelly Mulhollan and Leslie. Geoff has published a collection of his poetry, Native...
Give Your Body Room

Give Your Body Room

Ruth Zaporah is a New Mexico based performance artist, director and teacher. She is internationally known for her innovative work in performance and performance training, particularly in the field of physical theater improvisation. Zaporah spends much of her time on tour, performing and leading trainings both nationally and internationally. She is a two-time recipient of National Endowment Choreography Fellowships. She is the author of “Action Theater: The...
Working Together For Our Future

Working Together For Our Future

Zev Friedman grew up in Sylva, NC and received his B.S. in Human Ecology from UNCA. Zev’s specialty is forest agriculture; he now runs the Forest Cuisine Project, which helps land owners to start forest farms and to market their products. He is particularly passionate about assisting landowners in setting up mushroom farming operations and in using fungi as remediators for damaged environments. Zev also specializes in urban permaculture design and installation,...
Jazz in the Soul

Jazz in the Soul

Reminder: Listeners who subscribed between Dec 5 – 15, 2011, we gratefully request that you please subscribe again. Thank You. Dr. Robert K.C. Forman is a professor of comparative religions, (CUNY), and founder of the Forge Institute. He routinely gives lectures, trainings and workshops around the world. He was the co-founder and is executive editor of The Journal of Consciousness Studies, which has become the principle journal in the field. He is also the...
The Magical Ritual Of Forgiveness

The Magical Ritual Of Forgiveness

Olivier Clerc is a writer, translator and editorial consultant, specializing in spirituality, shamanism, health, personal development and human relationships. Olivier has crossed paths with many famous authors and teachers whose books he has translated into French, and with whom he often trained. Among them are Stan Grof, Marshall Rosenberg (founder of the Center for Nonviolent Communication), Don Miguel Ruiz, and many others. He is the author of 8 books,...