A Visionary for the New Millennium

A Visionary for the New Millennium

Susan Griffin is a poet, essayist, playwright and screenwriter. Her work moves beyond the boundaries of form and perception as she draws connections between the destruction of nature, the diminishment of women and racism, and traces the causes of war to denial in both private and public life. Her groundbreaking book Woman and Nature is an extended prose-poem and is the classic work that inspired eco-feminism. Wrestling with Angel of Democracy, the Autobiography of...
The Spirit of Now

The Spirit of Now

Peter Russell studied mathematics and theoretical physics at Cambridge University then switched to experimental psychology. He studied meditation and eastern philosophy in India and on his return to the UK took up the first research post ever offered in Britain on the psychology of meditation. In the mid-seventies he joined forces with Tony Buzan and helped teach “Mind Maps” and learning methods to a variety of international organizations and...
Poetic Images of Extraordinary Emotional Impact

Poetic Images of Extraordinary Emotional Impact

Godfrey Reggio is an inventor of a film style which creates poetic images of extraordinary emotional impact for audiences worldwide. Reggio is prominent in the film world for his QATSI trilogy, essays of visual images and sound which chronicle the destructive impact of the modern world on the environment. Reggio has been a community activitist since the sixties and co-founded a number of organizations dedicated to assisting communities in Santa Fe and Northern New...
About the Rain Forest in Ecuador

About the Rain Forest in Ecuador

Lynne Twist is a global activist, fundraiser, speaker, consultant, and author and has dedicated her life to global initiatives that serve the best instincts in all of us. Lynne founded the Soul of Money Institute to express her commitment to supporting and empowering people in finding peace and sufficiency in their relationship with money and the money culture. She is also on the Board of Directors of the Pachamama Alliance, an organization established to preserve...
Deep Ecology from the Laughing Heart

Deep Ecology from the Laughing Heart

Chellis Glendinning is writer and a psychologist specializing in recovery from post-traumatic stress. She is the author of Waking Up in the Nuclear Age (1987); When Technology Wounds (1990); My Name Is Chellis and I’m in Recovery from Western Civilization (1994); Off the Map: An Expedition Deep into Empire and the Global Economy (1999, 2002); and Chiva: A Village Takes on the Global Heroin Trade (2005). Off the Map won the National Federation of Press Women...
Iboga Healing and Initiation

Iboga Healing and Initiation

Moughenda Mikala is a tenth generation nganga of the Missoko Bwiti sect from southern Gabon. At the Awakening in the Dream house in Mexico, Moughenda offers Bwiti iboga root healing and initiation. Bwiti, originating among the forest Pygmies, is a traditional African spiritual practice whose essence is ancestor worship and direct connection to God. The initiations relate to the five aspects of Missoko Bwiti: Ngonde (bwiti of visions and diagnostics), Mioba (bwiti...