the Future Primitive Podcast is back!

Fundraising Campaign

Lara Tambacopoulou


Joanna Harcourt-Smith

Host and Co-Founder

Jose Luis
Gomez Soler

Producer and Co-Founder

Jacob Aman

Co-Producer, Co-host & Tech

Since 2006, Future Primitive has been hosting intimate conversations with authors, visionaries and innovators who speak about our connection and partnership with the Living Earth. 
We provide this content in order to advance saner and more compassionate visions of our future, guided by our remembering of ancestral wisdom.

Support Future Primitive

If you find joy and solace in the podcasts that we create, please consider becoming a Sustaining Member with a recurring monthly donation.   For more than 12 years, Future Primitive has remained free to listen to, as well as ad-free. It takes us many hours a month to schedule interviews prepare and edit, and thousands of dollars a year to sustain. Your support matters and we appreciate any help immensely!

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Latest Episodes

Women, Nature and Justice

Women, Nature and Justice

Nina Simons speaks with Joanna about: women, Nature and justice; guided by relational intelligence, delight and love; deep inquiry into racial equity; Nature is the Sacred; diversity and indigenous wisdom; an untapped resource, the capacity for women to grow each other into leadership piercing the shell of white privilege; diversity and resilience; the challenge of reimagining ourselves as part of this cosmic dance; transition into relationship economy; the nexus that makes us unstoppable; ritual creates relationship; imagining everyday the world we want.

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Future Sacred

Future Sacred

Julie Morley speaks with Joanna about: interspecies intersubjectivity; a life-changing meeting with Thomas One Wolf; the indigenous enphasis on right relations throughout the world; a beautiful cycle of attuning and revelation from the more than human world; the intimacy of interbeing; thinking in partnership with other ways of knowing; the two meanings of awe; retrieving the embodied sacred; a shift away from anthropocentrism into partipatory awakening; we need multicultural, multispecies cities; learning from crows and ravens; singing the radical song of enchantment.

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Reimagining Death

Reimagining Death

In this week’s episode Lucinda Herring speaks with Joanna about: recovering our relationship with nature is recovering our conscious relationship with death; trusting our intuition when planning for our end of life; other choices for after death care, more ecologically minded and more humane; a good after death is like a seed; allowing the river of grieving to move us forward; doing our work as a caregiver to ease the transition of dying; sacred listening in the moment of transition; transforming the fear around death; the sacred right to care for our loved ones after death is women-led; the Death with Dignity Movement; partnering with Nature when we die.

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Women of Visionary Art

Women of Visionary Art

David Jay Brown and Rebecca Ann Hill speak with Joanna about: Bringing together women of visionary art; tapping into the witch burnings; rising of the feminine energy; differences between visionary art and psychedelic art; the influence of indigenous philosophies in Western visionary art; psychedelic experience and ecological awareness; variety of responses of women about the creative process; boundary dissolution in art and psychedelic work; live painting, visionary women painting in community; visionary art is a catalyst and translation from numinous dimensions.

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Spiritual Democracy

Spiritual Democracy

Steven Herrmann speaks with Joanna about: William Everson and the poet as a medicine person; Whitman and being in love with the Earth; an arch of spiritual freedom, from William James to the sixties; the human shadow and the destruction of the environment; the influence of Native American spirituality in the founding of American democracy; the competing myths in the collective American psyche;; Herman Melville; “Moby Dick” and the foreseeing of same sex marriage; the early American poets and the liberation of Eros; the vocational dreams from Nature; practices for spiritual democracy.

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The Wisdom of the Body

The Wisdom of the Body

Mary Mueller Shutan speaks with Joanna about: the body deva, the consciousness of the body; healing personal and transpersonal trauma, becoming aware of our cultural conditioning and reconciling with our animal selves; ancestral trauma and spiritual awakening; the impact of micro-trauma and the inner child; engaging with the wisdom of the body; healing the victim and the perpetrator within; remembering the continuum we inhabit; the central myth of our lives; an integrated spiritual awakening is an embodiment process; healing the connection between the heart, the uterus and the Earth; the root of who we are.

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Praise from Our Listeners

Joe H.

“thank you for these podcasts…OMG…I love you so much…thank you again…your spirit is so wonderful”


“Thank you for all the work you do.  I have been listening to your podcasts since last year and they have changed my mind and my life so dramatically, in such a REAL way.  I have become more real, more alive, more LoveIncarnate, thanks to your sharing your love and your passion with the world.  When I listen to your voice, I feel like I’m sitting in the room with you and your interviewees, and I feel wrapped in warmth and home and love.”

Sir Pete A.

“Dear Joanna, I know that you know the importance of your work with Future Primitive to the many lives it has touched.  and, “Brava”.  But there is a dimension to this body of work, because it is a “body of work”, that I am not sure you know the value of.  Because you are chronicling lives and values unique in this world, and you are doing it with the very words of those we need to remember.”


I love your play with words and your love for words Joanna. Your comment: ‘this makes life bear-able’ – brought smile to my heart. Wisdom contained in our language when we hear deeply and hear every word. And playfulness. And who if not a bear in us has a strength to bear the unbearable that is happening now. 

Naomi W.

“I just wanted to thank you you Joanna for your amazing work on future primitive.These conversations have brought me much solace and comfort in a lonely place,whenever I hear your voice and the opening music to each interview I feel my whole body exhale and a sense of companionship with kindred spirits.”

Michael G.

“Thanks for all you work. You are making a difference.

Timothy A.

“Thank you so much for the gifts that are your website and podcast! It is wonderful to hear a gentle voice of wisdom amidst the inanities and din of the Internet. I listen to downloaded episodes of your interviews as I negotiate the highways of Atlanta, and am therefore able to arrive at work in a relatively calm state wherein I can begin to properly honor the day.”


“In 2010 I struggled with losing my job after 11 years, as well as several other personal difficulties that I still do not feel capable of writing about. That said, I wanted to tell you that I discovered your podcast in the midst of some of my most difficult days, and I found your interviews to be such a solace.”