Infinite Awareness

Infinite Awareness

In this week’s episode Marjorie Woollacott speaks with Joanna about: consciousness beyond the brain; an ecstatic lightning to the heart; bridging the scientific and the mystic; the spontaneous unfolding of kundalini energy; William James and the depathologization of spiritual experiences; the link between psychedelics and meditation; two different ways of knowing reality through the brain hemispheres; sharing the hoy and bliss at the heart of who we really are; Kashmir Shaivism and the consciousness in everything; joyous communication with the consciousness in Nature; the continuity of consciousness across lifetimes.

The Animal-Human Connection

The Animal-Human Connection

In this episode Tammy Billups speaks with Joanna about: grieving the passing of our animal companions; emotional and energetic issues; the five core emotional wounds showing as behavioral issues; the teachings that they bring us; the animals mirror a part of ourselves; the heart-to-heart connection in the last chapter of their lives; animals as healers; the animals in our childhood; healing with Nature; working in synchronicity with the living world; the higher perspective about our animal companions.

The Enchanted Life

The Enchanted Life

In this week’s episode Sharon Blackie speaks with Joanna about: falling in love with the world; recovering from the disenchantment that is destroying the planet; the myth of human superiority and the emphasis on the transcendental; the sense of recognition of belonging to a place; Celtic mythology, being in service to the land; creating a new folk culture; how to make relevant the ancestral stories in the plece where we live; the Old Woman, creatrix and fierce protector of the land; the challenge of the loathly lady; wisdom and guidance of the old women; retrieving a vivid sense of belonging to the world; finding the answers outside of ourselves.

A Biocultural Regeneration

A Biocultural Regeneration

In this episode Frédérique Apffel-Marglin speaks with Joanna about: the rhythmic connection between humans and the cosmos; a paradize for medicinal and psychoactive plants; origin of the Sachamama Center for Biocultural regeneration; rediscovering the pre-Columbian, anthropogenic “terra preta” (black earth); encountering the Sacred in the most visceral way; healed by the icaros (sacred songs); initiation by the Spirits; healing the inner and outer landscape; towards a holistic, cosmocentric worldview; the complexity of the ayahuasca ceremonies; reverse anthropology on “subversive spiritualities”.

Sacred Instructions

Sacred Instructions

In this episode Sherri Mitchell speaks with Joanna about: living in a vibratory universe; the responsibility of being given a spiritual name; the indigenous way of life; recognizing our unity with the foundational elements that create life; the mothering, relational, vibratory nature of the language connected to the land; honoring and revering the original sound that created all living things; “we were never kicked out of the Garden”; the origin of colonization; the deep understanding of the web-of-life teachings; allowing oneself to be open and harmonised with the frequencies of the natural world; “the greatest tragedy that can befall us is to go unimagined”; dreamed by the ancestors; from “normal” to a natural state of being; the peaceful, prayerful stand at Standing Rock as the fulfillment of Crazy Horse’s prophecy; decolonizing our minds; the four pillars for being sovereign and self-determined human beings.

21st Century Zen

21st Century Zen

In this week’s episode Perle Besserman and Manfred Steger speak with Joanna about: the abuse of women by spiritual teachers in spiritual traditions; the importance of a grounded spirituality; uncovering misogyny in the spiritual arena; falling in love with a spiritual path; the treasure of real spiritual partnership; men overcoming the patriarchal conditioning; encountering the freedom of the moment; looking at Zen in a fresh way; back to the original message of the Buddha; spiritual composting; beyond the cultural trappings of a spiritual practice; spiritual community and practice in the 21st century; the core of the enlightenment experience.

Indigenous Healing Psychology

Indigenous Healing Psychology

In this week’s episode Richard Katz speaks with Joanna about: psychology might benefit from learning from indigenous people; a lifetime of learning among the First Peoples; psychology, diversity and social justice; connecting with the healing energy; spirituality as an everyday experience; humor in spirituality and psychology; healing is a journey; being open to the unexpected; respecting the Spirit; the four elements of human beings; the essence of science.

The Skill of the Future

The Skill of the Future

In this week’s episode Nora Bateson speaks with Joanna about: exploring the tension between settlement and migration; looking at the extreme polarization and fear we are experiencing; deep inquiry about possibilities; our participation in drawing boundaries in the collective ideascape; how to be part of the system’s change…?; the skill of the future; the relationship between learning and change; dignity is a shared experience; longing for new ways of living our interdependence; the willingness to enjoy the beauty of life and carry its pain.

Connected in the Dreaming

Connected in the Dreaming

In this week’s episode Edward Bruce Bynum speaks with Joanna about: the dreams that connect us to our families; oniric sharing and psi phenomena between family members; the possibilities of lucid dreaming; accessing the deep patterns and themes in dreams; symbolization and condensation in our dreams; dreaming as initiation for meeting the sacred Light; the discoveries of neurotheology; breathing and the blossoming of the inner world; the two streams of our souls; scientific discoveries in dreams.

Visions for Change

Visions for Change

In this week’s episode Martina Hoffmann speaks with Joanna about: the renaissance of visionary art and the growth of global consciousness; her early mystical and visionary experiences; sensing the Earth energy and the Spirit; her journey of incarnation; Nature as a sanctuary; living close to megalithic alignments; Awen and the sacred deer mythology; receiving inspiration through meditative movement; the challenge of painting ecstatic experiences; organic structures of consciousness as potential allies for change; opening our hearts to the Light that is always here; growing up with the beautiful Earth Mother energy and the African women; the blossoming of a new crearive phase; painting a visionary tarot.