A Heart’s Journey

A Heart’s Journey

A talk by Joanna Harcourt-Smith at the Women’s Visionary Congress at the IONS Retreat Center, Petaluma, California (July 27-29, 2012). The Women’s Visionary Congress (WVC) is a gathering of visionary women healers, scholars, activists and artists who study consciousness and altered states. The WVC supports the transfer of knowledge among women who apply the insights of their research and spiritual path. We gather annually on beautiful land in Northern...
Honoring the Medicine

Honoring the Medicine

Ken “Bear Hawk” Cohen, author of the critically acclaimed classic, Honoring the Medicine: The Essential Guide to Native American Healing (Random House, 2003), is a a health educator, a traditional healer, and scholar of indigenous medicine. He is the recipient of the Alyce and Elmer Green Award for Innovation and Lifetime Achievement in Energy Medicine. Although best known for his pioneering work in Chinese healing arts (qigong), he has followed the...
To Educate A Woman…

To Educate A Woman…

Kristin (Kiki) St. Clair is the executive director of Humankind Foundation working in East Africa to promote equality and education to Maasai families. A Quaker since childhood, her focus has always been social activism and she has been tireless in the pursuit of justice and equality since the 1960’s. She began Humankind Foundation with another RN, a Maasai from northern Tanzania, and together they trained other Maasai to teach in the villages about HIV/AIDS....
A Rite of Passage for Father and Son

A Rite of Passage for Father and Son

Tim Ward is an author, publisher, teacher, and traveler. He has written five books about his travels through Thailand, India, China, Tibet, Greece and Southern Europe, and most recently East Africa, among them: Savage Breast: One Man’s Search for the Goddess, What Buddha Never Taught, and Zombies on Kilimanjaro: A Father/Son Journey Above the Clouds. His stories have appeared in 13 anthologies, including Traveler’s Tales Best Travel Writing 2006, 2010, 2011...
Elemental Freedom

Elemental Freedom

Khepe-Ra Maat-Het Heru is one of the original members of The The E.S.H.U. Collective, a grassroots transformational leadership system based in Spiritual Warriorship established in 1997. Through her work with ESHU she has consulted with various programs such as The Marion Institute, The Massachusetts Commission for National and Community Service, YouthBuild USA, NeighborWorks America, Youth Recreation Counsel of Bermuda, Sisseton Wahpeton Oyate youth program of The...