In Search of the Lost Feminine

Craig Barnes is an author, essayist, playwright and international mediator. In the 1980s he negotiated nuclear issues with leaders in the Academy of Sciences in the Kremlin, in the 1990s he facilitated talks between opposing sides in the war between Armenia and Azerbaijan and thereafter led talks to knit together transboundary water agreements between Kazakhstan, Uzbeckistan, Tajickistan, and Kyrghizstan. His books include In Search Of The Lost Feminine, Decoding...

Creating a Caring Economics

Riane Eisler is an eminent social scientist, attorney, social activist and best known as author of the international bestseller The Chalice and The Blade: Our History, Our Future, hailed by Princeton anthropologist Ashley Montagu as “the most important book since Darwin’s Origin of Species”. She is also president of the Center for Partnership Studies, dedicated to research and education....

Life as Art, Art as Life

Tina LeMarque Denison is an artist and author who documents primordial memory, myth and archetype using paint, digital photography, mediated imagery, and mixed media. Play in new window | Download | EmbedSubscribe:...

A Man’s Search for the Goddess

Canadian-born author of books on spiritual/travel literature including Savage Breast: One Man’s Search for the Goddess. Play in new window | Download | EmbedSubscribe:...

??? the Unacceptable

American-born photographer and author, Margaret Randall, returning to the United States in 1984 after living in Central America, was ordered deported under the Walter McCarran Act. Because of opinions expressed in some of her books, she was accused of “being against the good order and happiness of the United States.” She won her case in 1989. Play in new window | Download |...