The Women Who Know

The Women Who Know

In this week’s episode Max Dashu speaks with Joanna about: the nectar of ancestral traditions; the sacred meaning of names for the wise women in Europe; demonization of the herbalist women through naming; a whole body of healing practices; life force medicine; seeress in the roof; witches as spiritual leaders; the women who see and know; cultural spells of patriarchy; the colonialist invention of white identity; honoring the indigenous names of the land.

The Women Who Know

Goddesses, Fate and Ancestors

In this week’s episode Max Dashu speaks with Joanna about: remembering other ways to live; “witch hunts” in Europe, the prehistory of our current socio-political situation; the Three Sisters spinning the webs of Wyrd; ancient Norse and German cosmologies and the curving nature of Time; the archetypal Tree and Well; the pan-global symbol of the holy matrix of Being; the Maidens on the sea of Knowledge; the Faery Faith and the ancestral religion; the break up with ancient knowledge at the time of Industrial Revolution;  language and recreating the future web of meaning.

The Women Who Know

As The Witches Teach

In this week’s episode Max Dashu speaks with Joanna about: researching the spiritual heritage of Europe; decolonization and the ancestral recovery work of Europeans and Americans; reweaving the web of culture; suppressed histories: women, peasantry, religious minorities; pan-European spinner goddesses, distaffs and Pagan women’s weaving ceremonies; a long history of domination of women, people and Nature; the earliest written records of patriarchal misogyny; the mythological encoding of male domination; the higher accuracy of oralture (oral tradition culture); the megalithic womb-tombs; the sacred mugwort and the underworld journey towards a secret, healing name; understanding the demonization of the Earth-based sacred traditions of Europe.

A Good Foundation for Reality

A Good Foundation for Reality

In this week’s episode Starr Goode speaks with Joanna about: Sheela na gig, a mysterious female figure of sacred display; the healing and protection of Sheela na gig, from Medieval times to Paleolithic cave art; the primordial, revered symbol of the ever-renewing Life Force; the life-restoring, evil stopping powers of the displayed vulva in myth and history; the political and social reclamation of the word “pussy”; the contemporary emergence of...
The Resilience of Joy

The Resilience of Joy

In this week’s episode Jodie Evans speaks with Joanna about: Standing Rock, experiencing a supportive community rooted in prayer and ceremony;  an activism of yes, called to be a protector; a spreading web of spiritual connection; being part of the caring and peace economy; tapping into the power of Life; together we can re-member; active uprising of the feminine; finding answers in the space of vulnerability and connection; practicing how to be allies in...