The Founding Mother

The Founding Mother

In this week’s episode Bob Hieronimus and Laura Cortner speak with Joanna about: honoring the Statue of Liberty as a symbol of compassionate enlightenment; Henry Miller and Bertrand Russell, two lovers of embodied freedom; the multicultural, goddess inspiration for the Statue of Liberty; retrieving human balance for thr future of the Earth; gender equality in early Gnostic Christianity; the direct influence of Native American Iroquois culture in the new...
She Sings to the Stars

She Sings to the Stars

In this week’s episode Jennifer Corcoran speaks with Joanna about: a film born of a visionary dream; a two-year journey of deep listening; remembering in Hopi land; following the story in the dreamtime; the mysterious Feminine, in relationship with all life; the alchemy of wonder; a cycle of women stories; journeying through the threshold into another world; the essential role of the land; the pace of the desert; offering our prayers for the protection of...
The Healing Revolution of Love

The Healing Revolution of Love

In this week’s episode Dieter Duhm speaks with Joanna about: healing the collective trauma of humankind; a new culture based in trust; waking up the sacred matrix; Tamera, a non-violent life model for cooperation between human being, animal and nature; the divine world and a new, free spirituality emerging in community; dissolving the old war between the genders; Mary Magdalene, a numinous icon of the new culture; creating a new morphogenetic field for...
The Strength of Mayan Culture

The Strength of Mayan Culture

In this week’s episode Lina Barrios speaks with Joanna about: introducing the Mayan territory and languages; Mayan culture’s resilience under the Spanish colonization; rituals for collective and individual wellbeing in Mayan life; Popol Wuj, healing and harmony with the Mayan sacred text; primordial energies and the word for creation in benefit of all; research into the extreme gender inequality in Guatemala; Mayan women facing discrimination at the...
Initiated by the Mushroom

Initiated by the Mushroom

In this week’s episode Shonagh Home speaks with Joanna about: a life-changing experience with the mushroom medicine; being held by the Earth; breaking the spell of forgetfulness; welcoming the tutelary spirits; entheogenic medicines and inner growth; a culture without initiations; shadow work as a preparation for entheogens; engaging the deep psyche and the unseen; embracing the original wound; we are at a choice point; a key answer at Palenque; the...