The Future is Local

The Future is Local

Helena Norberg-Hodge speaks with Joanna about: localizing, a systemic path to nature and community; the learning dance of the ancient local and the new local; the structural shift needed to create a happier, healthier way of life; localization can do away with ideological, political divides; local food economies produce much more than monoculture; localizing allows people to engage in a meaningful and joyful way; remarkable, rapid restoration of life can happen; listening to our hunger for reconnection to nature and community; the artifical sense of competition and scarcity imposed on us; the rich sense of personal identity and ability to share and care in a traditional society; to moving in a personal and ecological direction with intimacy and vulnerability; practicing big picture activism, locally.

Nourishing an Emergent Reality

Nourishing an Emergent Reality

adrienne maree brown speaks with Joanna about: a social justice and liberation activism that feels good; punitive justice versus transformative justice; mercy and seeing the whole of the person; giving ourselves permission to feel everything; nourishing communities allow for a new future; emergent strategy immersions; a key insight of both pleasure activism and emergent strategies; changing the world through small and consistent actions; a way to overcome our guilt; developing a future where whiteness is not at the center; the conversation between black communities and indigenous communities; being willing to work deep at a small scale and build up.

Diamonds from Heaven

Diamonds from Heaven

Chris Bache speaks with Joanna about: the straightforward description of a 20 year journey working with LSD following Stanislav Grof’s protocol; the process of writing down a cosmological adventure; in service of the Great Mother; the meaning of suffering in deep psychedelic exploration and in our evolutionary journey; one of the strongest and recurring themes in this exploration; humanity is approaching a collective awakening; we are built for accelerated evolution, the birth of the Diamond Soul and the Future Human; communing with the mystery of the Beloved; the connection between cosmic love and living oneness; reincarnation and the Diamond Soul; becoming a conscious participant with the mind of the Earth.

A Time of Great Awakening

A Time of Great Awakening

Stephen Gray speaks with Joanna about: the 8th Spirit Plant Medicine Conference in Vancouver, a rapid increase in the interest in psychedelics; approaching a time of great awakening for the planet; broadening the discussion with the legalization of cannabis in Canada; frequency and dosage for those exploring cannabis as a spiritual ally; cannabis group ceremonies; trusting the nature of who we really are; an essential part of the consciousness revolution; landing into the now; letting go of non functional pessimism.

The Skill of the Future

The Skill of the Future

In this week’s episode Nora Bateson speaks with Joanna about: exploring the tension between settlement and migration; looking at the extreme polarization and fear we are experiencing; deep inquiry about possibilities; our participation in drawing boundaries in the collective ideascape; how to be part of the system’s change…?; the skill of the future; the relationship between learning and change; dignity is a shared experience; longing for new ways of living our interdependence; the willingness to enjoy the beauty of life and carry its pain.