From Despair to Ecological Empowerment

From Despair to Ecological Empowerment

John Seed is founder and director of the Rainforest Information Centre in Australia. Since 1979 he has been involved in the direct actions which have resulted in the protection of the Australian rainforests. He has written and lectured extensively on deep ecology and has been conducting Councils of All Beings and other re-Earth ing workshops  around the world for 25 years. In the US, his workshops have been hosted by Esalen, Omega, Naropa...
A Food Rebel

A Food Rebel

For 25 years Mark Winne was the Executive Director of the Hartford Food System, a private non-profit agency that works on food and hunger issues in the Hartford, Connecticut area. During his tenure with HFS, Mark organized community self-help food projects that assisted the city’s lower income and elderly residents. Mark’s work with the Food System included the development of a commercial hydroponic greenhouse, Connecticut’s Farmers’ Market...
Remaining faithful to the Earth

Remaining faithful to the Earth

Kimerer LaMothe, Ph.D., is a philosopher, dancer, and scholar of religion, who lives with her partner and their five children on a farm in upstate New York. A former professor at Harvard and Brown Universities, recipient of fellowships from the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study and the Center for the Study of World Religions, and award-winning author of three books, Dr. LaMothe is currently director of Vital Arts, a center dedicated to creating art and ideas...
Creating together a new medicine story

Creating together a new medicine story

Nina Simons is a social entrepreneur and Co-CEO and Co-Founder of Bioneers. Nina’s life and work are informed by her passion for the natural world, women’s leadership, systems thinking, and the arts’ capacity to shape culture and consciousness. Nina speaks and teaches nationally about: the environment and the call to engaged action; leading from the ‘feminine’ and redefining leadership; women’s leadership; and businesses and organizations as living systems....
Live at the Ancient Wisdom Rising Conference with Kawan Sangaa Woody Morrison

Live at the Ancient Wisdom Rising Conference with Kawan Sangaa Woody Morrison

Kawan Sangaa Woody Morrison began his training as a History Keeper for the Haida people at the age of three. Heir to the chief of the Whale House, he has sat in ceremony with tribal elders from around the world and has been an active planner and participant in international conferences on environmental, economic and health issues. He is president of the Vancouver Society of Storytelling and on the board of directors of Wisdom of the Elders, a non-profit...