Louis_HermanDr. Louis G. Herman, professor of political science at the University of Hawai‘i – West O‘ahu, has recently published “Future Primal: How our Wilderness Origins Show us the Way Forward”, a stunning book that responds to the multiple crises of globalized humanity by recovering the classical project of political philosophy—the truth quest—as “the search for the best way to live.” The story of the philosopher’s personal search becomes an entry into “big history:” the epic narrative of contemporary cosmology, of the emergence of creative, self-reflective humanity from a southern African wilderness, on an evolving planet within an evolving universe.

Louis speaks with Joanna about: “future primal”; growing up in the garden of Eden; ecstatic memories of the wilderness; experiencing the Dreamtime; reconciling scientific cosmology and direct experience; an ongoing Mystery; a seeing waking up to itself; a connective story.

”I Can’t Sit Still”, original music by Evarusnik
