Kosha JoubertIn this week’s episode, Kosha Joubert speaks with Joanna about the longing to connect with the land; her first experience of intentional community in Nature; the Global Ecovillage Network (GEN): buliding conversations between cultures; the sense of not-knowing and deep listening; conflict as “evolutionary tension”; ecological and emotional composting; the four dimennsions of sustainability; an ancient future: celebrating each other’s ancestry in a global eco-culture.

Kosha Anja Joubert is an international facilitator, trainer and consultant. She was born and grew up in South Africa. The system of Apartheid deeply influenced her life’s path: She decided to devote herself to the study and practice of trustful communication and community building in diverse settings. She has been living in intentional communities for the past 20 years and currently serves as President of the Board of the Global Ecovillage Network (GEN)-International and Secretary General of GEN-Europe. her last 10 years were spent in Sieben Linden, Germany. Recently she moved to Findhorn, Scotland, with her two children. She is a co-founder of Gaia Education, which develops trainings at the cutting-edge of sustainability and co-author of the internationally applied Gaia Education curriculum, the Ecovillge Desing Education. She co-edited “Beyond You and Me – Inspirations and Wisdom for Building Community” (Permanent Publications) with her partner, Robin Alfred. She just had her first book published in Germany on the Power of Collective Wisdom: “The Change Makers Guide to Collective Wisdom”, and is looking forward to translating it into English. It is a joy and a honour for her to be an active part of the ecovillage movement.


“I Can’t Sit Still”, original music by Evarusnik
