Gay DillinghamOn Saturday 10th, at 7 pm, at the Center for Contemporary Arts of Santa Fe (CCA)Gay Dillingham, director of “Dying to Know”, and Joanna Harcourt-Smith, will present a discussion and Q & A after the screeening of the film. Be there then.

In this episode, Gay speaks about the genesis of her film, falling in love with Timothy Leary and Richard Alpert/Ram Dass; “I behold death because it teaches me how to live”; what never dies; inviting cultural conversations about death, psychedelics; rites of passage, our dream life…; dancing with the mystery.

Gay Dillingham started making documentary films out of college in the late 80s. her first, “The WIPP Trail”, narrated by Robert Redford, cast a critical eye at our nation’s first and still world’s only underground nuclear waste repository. It became a community organizing tool and aired on PBS nationally followed by a panel discussion. “My Body Belongs to Me”, a children’s pro-active educational program on sexual abuse, earned the American Film Festival award for “Guidance & Values Education”. Her company co-produced Dr. Andrew Weil’s first programs in the mid 90s. Today, she is again concentrating her passion to inform and enlighten through her film company CNS Communications, LLC. The project, “Dying to Know” has been a labor of love she has cultivated on and off for 18 years; footage so compelling it was haunting her to finish. She is grateful to be back to her life’s passion making the films & telling meaningful stories.



“I Can’t Sit Still”, original music by Evarusnik