steve_stonearrowIn this week’s episode we can listen to the talk “A Native American View on the Rooted People”, delivered by Steve Stonearrow at the Biodynamic Association Conference in Santa Fe, Saturday, November 19, 2016. “Native Americans believe that all living things have Spirits. In this teaching, we will seek to understand their relationship to us. Each plant’s unique Spirit helps us to learn more about the world as a whole.”

Steve Stonearrow is a spiritual leader within the Lakota ceremonial tradition. He is an example of what it means to walk in a sacred way within our quickly-changing society, carrying forward the cultural teachings and spiritual wisdom od the “Lakhól wichóh’an”, or the Lakota way of life. With his deep knowledge of healing and herbal medicine, Steve travels the country leading ceremonies and speaking about the many aspects of indigenous history, lifestyle and spirituality.



“I Can’t Sit Still”, original music by Evarusnik