Tending the Wild Space Between Us
An Interview with Alan Seale

December 17, 2017

Interview by
Joanna Harcourt-Smith

In this week’s episode Alan Seale speaks with Joanna about: the breath of life moves through us; everything is connected to everything else; the divide of curiosity; from how we believe to how we live; living from transformational presence; the great breaking open; finding your soul mission;  working for the long path accelerates change; partnering with what wants to happen; beyond skills into capacity for energetic awareness; cutting to the core of complexity.

Alan Seale is an award winning author; inspirational speaker, transformation catalyst, master teacher and mentor to many leaders and coaches, and the founder of the Center for Transformational Presence. His first book, “Intuitive Living: A Sacred Path”, received the prestigious Coalition of Visionary Resources Award for Best Book in Spirituality in 2001. His other books include “Soul Mission, Life Vision” (2003), “The Manifestation Wheel” (2008), “The Power of Your Presence” (2009) and “Create A World That Works” (2011). His new two-book set, “Transformational Presence: How To Make A Difference In A Rapidly Changing World” was released in the autumn of 2017.

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