Protecting the Living Earth
An Interview with Leonard Higgins

March 9, 2018

Interview by
Joanna Harcourt-Smith

In this week’s episode Leonard Higgins speaks with Joanna about: two major influences in waking up from the American Dream; the impact of climate change and the uncertain future of humanity; climate direct action before a situation of global emergency; the Climate Necessity Defense; “what is legal is not always right”; scaling back the use of fossil fuels and transition to alternative energy; shutting down the pipeline; living in times of radical uncertainty; committed to inspiring, nonviolent, prayerful civil disobedience; the three domains of the work to be done according to Joanna Macy; finding our place in the shift from industrial growth society to a life-sustaining civilization; doing something that get people more in touch with the emergency we are facing; being silenced about the intent of the pipeline shutdown; inspired by the prayerful protectors of Standing Rock.

Leonard Higgins is retired from a 31 year career with Oregon state government focused on budget, contracts and project management for large information technology projects. He credits his awakening about social justice and climate change threats to a 2007 workshop from Joanna Macy, and her book, “Active Hope”. He believes in the Unitarian Universalist principles including “The inherent worth and dignity of every person”, and “Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part“. He was a cofounder of the Corvallis chapter of in 2012, and has been an organizer and participant in many social and climate justice efforts since then. Leonard was called to direct action in 2013 to support Native American Nations in blocking transport through Oregon of tar sands extraction equipment. Along with other climate justice work, he continues to participate in direct actions including the May 2016 two day railway blockade of crude oil unit trains in Anacortes, Washington during global Break Free protests.

The Valve Turners

“I Can’t Sit Still”, original music by Evarusnik

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