Earth Protectors Rising
An Interview with Polly Higgins

November 16, 2018

Interview by
Joanna Harcourt-Smith

In this week’s episode Polly Higgins speaks with Joanna about: daring to stand as an Earth protector and calling others to do the same; our duty of care to the wider Earth community; the heartfelt call to protect the Earth with the law; paving a way to peace and harmony; ecocide and the applicability of international law; emergency times and the emrgence of something new-the rising of Earth protectors, “Extinction Rebellion”; support for the great ocean States in the front line of climate breakdown with; plugging into the life force.

Polly Higgins is an international lawyer, UK based barrister, award-winning author and lead Ecocide law expert. Her proposal to expand the remit of the International Criminal Court to include Ecocide as an international crime (to stand alongside genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity and crimes of aggression) will ensure global governance and protection against some of the most egregious crimes, namely State and corporate crimes that causes or fails to prevent climate disasters as well as other ecological catastrophes. Polly Higins’ award-winning book “Erradicating Ecocide: laws and governance to prevent the destruction of our planet” (1st 2010, 2nd Ed 2015) – sets out her full proposal that was submitted to the United Nations. Her second book, “Earth is our business” (2012), examines Ecocide law from the perspective of business impact and includes the draft Ecocide Act and indictments that were used in the mock Ecocide trial held in the UK Supreme Court in 2011. Her most recent book is “I Dare You to Be Great”.

Mission Life Force

“I Can’t Sit Still”, original music by Evarusnik

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