Being with Living Beauty
An Interview with Anthony Ward

December 9, 2018

Interview by
Joanna Harcourt-Smith

In this week’s episode Anthony Ward speaks with Joanna about: an early initiation to the magic of Nature; flowers altars for the Dalai Lama; working with living beauty; “the momentary face of God”; the plants are calling us to appreciate the moment; flower power, flower children; a life-changing meeting with Maya Angelou; the Zen of floral arrangement; dancing with the flowers; the natural altars of Nature; a sacred gift; the ancestral flower meditation.

Visionary floral sculptor Anthony Ward is an artist and businessman living in Northern California. He travels the world sharing his deep love of flowers by creating for weddings, teaching workshops, and creating public and private altars and “prayerformances” at transformational festivals. He and Christopher Issa are currently producing the feature-length documentary “Dancing with the Flowers”. HIs new book is “Being with Flowers: Floral Art as a Spiritual Practice“.


“I Can’t Sit Still”, original music by Evarusnik

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