The Root of Life
An Interview with J. Larry Glover

May 27, 2019

Interview by
Joanna Harcourt-Smith

In this week’s episode Larry Glover speaks with Joanna about: the wild resiliency that connects us to the heart of the cosmos; Nature’s capacity for change and transformation; a shift in identity for belonging; falling in love with the Earth; moving beyond rebellion to freedom; a theology of awe and wonder, the mother of all religions; a life-changing meeting with a black bear; Nature lives inside of us; an emerging story of kinship with the planet; a practice of communion with all of life; rediscovering breathing as a door to being present; the integration of peak experiences; the aspen trees and remembering the common root of life.

A challenging childhood gifted Larry Glover with the experience of turning to nature for solace. Larry credits a Black Bear he met face to face in his tent with saving his life, at least long enough for him, a couple of years later, to walk into a remote wilderness to die – or to come out a different man. His life was transformed there on a craggy cliff face above the Middle Fork of the Salmon River through an alchemical encounter with rock and water and fire, and breath. Larry’s multifaceted career includes time as a family therapist, a social science research consultant, a forest fire fighter and look out, a wilderness therapist and guide, a River Guide, a massage and energy therapist, and as an international organizational learning coach and consultant. The founding of the Wild Resiliency Institute, in 2004 by Larry, represented the coalescing of his diverse background and interests into an ecological model of human change and transformation. The model is informed and inspired by the Indigenous and Western sciences, resiliency and eco-psychology and by world mythologies. Larry now works with an international clientele of individuals and organizations to sustain and strengthen their relationship to the River of Life.

“I Can’t Sit Still”, original music by Evarusnik

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