Animate Earth

Animate Earth

Stephan Harding is the author of “Animate Earth: Science, Intuition and Gaia” (published in 2006 by Green Books in the UK and in 2007 by Chelsea Green in the USA). Holding a doctorate in ecology from the University of Oxford, Stephan taught wildlife ecology at the National University in Costa Rica before joining Schumacher College, the renowned international center for transdisciplinary ecological studies in rural England. Stephan has been the resident...
Loving a Sentient Cosmos

Loving a Sentient Cosmos

Robert Tindall, M.A. is a writer, classical guitarist, long-time practitioner of Zen Buddhism, and an inveterate traveler, whose work explores the crossing of frontiers into other cultures, time depths, and states of consciousness. He is the author of two books on shamanism, “The Jaguar that Roams the Mind” and “The Shamanic Odyssey: Homer, Tolkien, and the Visionary Experience”, along with numerous articles on themes such as pilgrimage...
Explore For Yourself

Explore For Yourself

Perle Besserman holds a doctorate in Comparative Literature from Columbia University and has lectured, toured, taught, and appeared on television, radio, and in two documentary films about her work in the US, Europe, Canada, Australia, Japan, China, and the Middle East. Recipient of the Theodore Hoepfner Fiction Award and past writer-in-residence at the Mishkenot Sha’ananim Artists’ Colony in Jerusalem, Pushcart Prize-nominee Perle Besserman was praised by Isaac...
The Real Magic of Consciousness

The Real Magic of Consciousness

Speakers at Connecting for Change (2013) Dr. Eben Alexander, a renowned academic neurosurgeon, spent 54 years honing his scientific worldview. He thought he knew how the brain and mind worked. A transcendental Near-Death Experience (NDE), in which he was driven to the brink of death and spent a week deep in coma from an inexplicable brain infection, changed all of that – completely! In his best-selling book, “Proof of Heaven, A Neurosurgeon’s Journey...
Informed by Harmony

Informed by Harmony

Philip Shepherd has a passion for adventure and exploration that has guided him for most of his life. At 18 it took him from his native Canada to cycle alone around the world through Europe, the Middle East, Iran, India and Japan. But that trip, adventurous as it was, merely expressed a commitment to a more crucial adventure – coming  to understand the subtle and often hidden aspects of our culture that affect us all, compromising our sense of self, our connection...
Dream Yourself Awake

Dream Yourself Awake

Author, Robert Waggoner, is past President of the International Association for the Study of Dreams (IASD) . For the past ten years, he has been the co-editor of the online magazine, The Lucid Dreaming Experience, the only ongoing publication devoted specifically to lucid dreaming. A lucid dreamer since 1975, he has logged more than 1,000 lucid dreams. Robert frequently speaks on lucid dreaming at national and international dream conferences, workshops and college...