Peace as Inner Power

Peace as Inner Power

Elizabeth Bader’s passion is the integration of spirituality, psychology and conflict resolution. A lawyer, mediator, coach, author and teacher, Elizabeth’s focus is on working with individuals and groups, coaching, education and training. As Elizabeth has discussed in her recent publications, the worlds of psychology and spirituality come together during conflict. This is due to the way that issues of self and identity — also known as “face” or “ego” issues...
Of Seeds and Dignity

Of Seeds and Dignity

A master of eloquence and innovative language, Martín Prechtel is a leading thinker, writer and teacher whose work, both written and oral, hopes to promote the subtlety, irony and pre-modern vitality hidden in any living language. As a half blood Native American with a Pueblo Indian upbringing, his life took him from New Mexico to the village of Santiago Atitlan, Guatemala. There becoming a full village member of the Tzutujil Mayan population, he eventually served...
Tracking the Living Stories

Tracking the Living Stories

Tamarack Song was born and raised in east central Wisconsin, and spent his youth learning from the woods, fields, and swamps outside of the “civilized” boundaries of his hometown. Studying wildlife conservation, community design, world cultures, and nonprofit law at various Wisconsin universities, he is the founder of the Teaching Drum Outdoor School. Located in Three Lakes, WI, this school is aimed at bridging the path to the wisdom and lifeway skills...
The Dream of the Cosmos

The Dream of the Cosmos

Anne Baring is a Jungian analyst and the author and co-author of seven books, including “The Myth of the Goddess, Evolution of an Image”. Her latest book – just published – is “The Dream of the Cosmos: A Quest for the Soul”. She is passionately interested in the fate of the Earth and the survival of our species in this critically important time of evolutionary change. Her work is devoted to the recognition that we live in an...
The Journey Of Remembering

The Journey Of Remembering

Philip Shepherd has a passion for adventure and exploration that has guided him for most of his life. At 18 it took him from his native Canada to cycle alone around the world through Europe, the Middle East, Iran, India and Japan. But that trip, adventurous as it was, merely expressed a commitment to a more crucial adventure – coming to understand the subtle and often hidden aspects of our culture that affect us all, compromising our sense of self, our connection...