Soul Renaissance

Soul Renaissance

Erik Andrade is spoken word artist and community activist from New Bedford. He works with New Bedford youth through People Acting in Community Endeavor (PACE) YouthBuild New Bedford, as the AmeriCorps Program Coordinator and co-facilitator of the Sustainability, Leadership Development and Social Justice Workshops. Erik is the founding member of La Soul Renaissance and the Overflowing Cup Project. La Soul Renaissance is a local spoken word and hip hop venue which...
American Ubuntu

American Ubuntu

Lenore Norrgard is a social activist, screenwriter, filmmaker, photojournalist, contributing writer, shamanic healer, teacher and consultant. Pioneered applying shamanic practices to social activism. Among other articles,”Ritual & Activism: The Alchemy of Social Transformation” and “Our Ancestors, Ourselves: Healing America”. She wrote, directed, shot and edited 60-minute narrative film, GETTING TO SEX, integrating 16mm film with analog...
Dance Every Dance

Dance Every Dance

Marsha Scarbrough is the author of the prize-winning book “Medicine Dance: One Woman’s Healing Journey into the World of Native American Sweat Lodges, Drumming Meditations and Dance Fasts”.  She’s also a freelance journalist with over 75 articles published in a wide variety of national magazines.  Beyond this she’s a graduate of the Director’s Guild of America’s prestigious Assistant Directors Training program and she spent 17 years scheduling,...
Original Healing

Original Healing

Speakers at Connecting For Change (2012) Evon Peter, former Neetsaii Gwich’in Chief of Arctic Village, is devoted to supporting leadership development, wellness, and a balanced life. He is a writer at the Tundra Post, Chief Executive at Gwanzhii, and has over fifteen years experience working with Indigenous youth, organizations, and tribes implementing culturally based approaches. Over the past several years, he has focused substantially on healing and prevention...
Resilience From The Ground Up

Resilience From The Ground Up

Speakers at Connecting For Change (2012) Kenny Ausubel, Co-CEO and founder (in 1990) of Bioneers – an internationally recognized nonprofit dedicated to disseminating breakthrough solutions for restoring people and planet – is an award-winning social entrepreneur, journalist, author and filmmaker. A pathfinder in advancing “backyard biodiversity” conservation and organic farming and food, he co-founded the organic seed company, Seeds of...
Our Ancestors The Bacteria

Our Ancestors The Bacteria

Speakers at Connecting For Change (2012) Sandor Ellix Katz is a self-taught fermentation experimentalist who wrote the book “Wild Fermentation” in order to share the fermentation wisdom he had learned, and demystify home fermentation. Since the book’s publication in 2003, Katz has taught hundreds of fermentation workshops across North America and beyond, taking on a role he describes as a “fermentation revivalist.” Through these...