Jennifer Palmer and Co-creating Reality

Jennifer Palmer and Co-creating Reality

Jennifer Palmer is the news editor of Reality Sandwich and Community Director of Evolver – two dream jobs merged into one.  She is a writer, DJ and internet philosopher who goes by the name TRUE online. Her blog, BRANDTRUEBOY, started as an art experiment in 2002, in which she posted as three fictitious characters that she passed off as “real” people who emailed, commented and chatted with other bloggers. Her current...
Creating Wholeness: The Maple Tree and the Cottonwood Tree

Creating Wholeness: The Maple Tree and the Cottonwood Tree

David Spangler is an internationally known spiritual teacher and writer. Instrumental in helping establish Findhorn in northern Scotland. In 1974 Spangler helped the social philosopher and cultural critic William Irwin Thompson, to found the Lindisfarne Association and became one of the first Lindisfarne Fellows, a group of scientists, artists, religious teachers, political activists, economists, and visionaries whose number included Gregory Bateson, Elaine...
The Song of the Wild

The Song of the Wild

Jason Kirkey grew up in the North Atlantic watershed of Massachusetts in a small town north of Boston. He moved to Boulder, Colorado where he attended Naropa University and in 2007 obtained his Bachelor’s Degree in “Interdisciplinary Studies with concentrations in Contemplative Psychology and Environmental Studies.” Throughout his undergraduate career he was also heavily influenced and inspired by deep ecology, ecopsychology, Buddhism, and the Shambhala tradition...
Wilderness Rapture: The Ancestral Roots of Healing

Wilderness Rapture: The Ancestral Roots of Healing

David Cumes, M.D. was born in South Africa and received his medical training at the Witwatersrand Medical School in Johannesburg. Specializing in urology, Dr. Cumes was trained and has previously taught on the staff at Stanford Medical Center. He has published extensively in professional journals and currently has a private practice in Santa Barbara, CA. Although Dr. Cumes has had classical training in a profession that relies heavily on science and analytical...
Romancing the Beloved

Romancing the Beloved

Joan Heartfield, Ph.D. has been involved in the exploration of human consciousness for most of her life. Joan began her professional career as an MFA in Dance, Drama and Theatre from the University of Hawaii in 1969. Shortly thereafter she migrated to Maui where she taught creative Dance, Drama and Theater, Tai Chi Ch’uan and Hatha Yoga for 10 years. A lifelong dancer and choreographer she saw the body as an integral part of human expression. She received...
Coming to our senses

Coming to our senses

William Smythe, M.A., is a pioneer in the fields of Somatic Psychology and Rolfing®. A Certified Advanced Rolfer, he has practiced over 30 years. An early collaborator with Dr. Peter Levine, the originator of Somatic Experiencing® and Director of the Foundation for Human Enrichment, William Smythe, has a diverse and profound resume of the traumatic healing arts. He holds a masters degree in Somatic Psychology from the Santa Barbara Graduate Institute with...