Welcome to our new site!

Welcome to our new site!

This is the new website for futureprimitive.org/staging! We’ve been hard at work on this for almost a year. In addition to the new look and feel, you’ll see that we have organized and categorized our library of past interviews into topics. (Right sidebar.) If you’re not already subscribed to one of our ‘feeds’ and you would like to be notified when we have new shows, you can: Connect with us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Subscribe...
Harvesting Rainwater

Harvesting Rainwater

Brad Lancaster is a dynamic teacher, consultant, and designer of regenerative systems. He is the author of the award-winning, best-selling books Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands and Beyond, the information-packed website HarvestingRainwater.com, and the Drops in a Bucket Blog. He lives his talk on an oasis-like eight of an acre in dowtown Tucson, Arizona, by harvesting over 100,000 gallons of rainwater a year where just 12 inches per year falls from the sky. Brad...
Sacred Activism and Mystical Experiences

Sacred Activism and Mystical Experiences

Andrew Harvey (b. 1952) is an author, scholar and teacher, known primarily for his popular nonfiction books on spiritual or mystical themes, beginning with his 1983 A Journey in Ladakh. He is the author of over 30 books, including the critically acclaimed Way of Passion: A Celebration of Rumi, Journey to Ladakh, The Return of the Mother and Son of Man. His last book is The Hope: A Guide to Sacred Activism. He now lives in Oak Park, Illinois, Chicago,where he...
Interview with Hal Zina Bennett

Interview with Hal Zina Bennett

Hal Zina Bennet’s highly acclaimed work includes countless articles and more than 30 successful books, including two adult novels: Spirit Circle and White Mountain Blues. Many of his books have become classics in their fields: Write From the Heart, Spirit Animals & the Wheel of Life, The Lens of Perception and Zuni Fetishes, “The Well Body Book”, Follow Your Bliss, with Susan J. Sparrow, “The Holotropic Mind”, with Stanislav Grof,...
Interview with Christopher Bache

Interview with Christopher Bache

Christopher M. Bache has been a professor of Religious Studies at Youngstown State University for almost 30 years as well as an intermittent adjunct faculty member at the California Institute of Integral Studies. From 2000-2002 he was Director of Transformative Learning at the Institute of Noetic Sciences located outside of San Francisco. At YSU he teaches courses in Eastern religions, transpersonal psychology, consciousness research and Buddhism. His writings...
Interview with Jesús Sepúlveda

Interview with Jesús Sepúlveda

Jesús Sepúlveda is a Chilean poet with roots in Spain, Italy and Eugene, Oregon. His important work is both critical and inspirational, a human and plant-centered antidote to the globalist technocracy. Sepúlveda’s doctoral dissertation (Toward a Poetic of De-Inhabitation) covers a wide range of aspects of Peruvian, Chilean and Argentine literary history from the Avant-garde period toward the New Avant-garde, and New Baroque periods. Shamanism is another of...