Iboga Healing and Initiation

Iboga Healing and Initiation

Moughenda Mikala is a tenth generation nganga of the Missoko Bwiti sect from southern Gabon. At the Awakening in the Dream house in Mexico, Moughenda offers Bwiti iboga root healing and initiation. Bwiti, originating among the forest Pygmies, is a traditional African spiritual practice whose essence is ancestor worship and direct connection to God. The initiations relate to the five aspects of Missoko Bwiti: Ngonde (bwiti of visions and diagnostics), Mioba (bwiti...
A Women’s Journey of Healing

A Women’s Journey of Healing

Margaret De Wys is a professor at Bard College, Milton Avery Graduate School of the Arts as well as a composer and sound installation artist. A dramatic shift in her life set her on a pilgrimage to Ecuador and to becoming a world traveler and explorer dedicated to the preservation and transmission of traditional wisdom in the modern world. She has recently been published, her book came out in January 2009: Black Smoke: A Woman’s Journey of Healing, Wild Love...
Meeting the Elephant Ambassador

Meeting the Elephant Ambassador

Deena Metzger is a poet, novelist, essayist, storyteller, teacher, healer and medicine woman who has taught and counseled for over forty years, in the process of which she has developed therapies (Healing Stories) which creatively address life threatening diseases, spiritual and emotional crises, as well as community, political and environmental disintegration. She is the author of many books, including most recently, From Grief into Vision: A Council; Doors: A...
The Radical Acceptance of Everything

The Radical Acceptance of Everything

Ann Weiser Cornell is recognized as one of the leading teachers of Focusing in the world. Since 1989, she has taught Focusing as a full time profession, in northern California and in fourteen states and seventeen countries on five continents, with a special emphasis on the language of process and inner relationship. Focusing is a special way of paying attention to yourself, so that you sense the whole way you are feeling about situations or issues in your life. It...
Nature Initiation

Nature Initiation

Bill Plotkin, PhD, has been a psychotherapist, research psychologist, rock musician, river runner, professor of psychology, and mountain-bike racer. As a research psychologist, he studied dreams and nonordinary states of consciousness achieved through meditation, biofeedback, and hypnosis. The founder and president of Animas Valley Institute, he has guided thousands of people through initiatory passages in nature since 1980. Currently an ecotherapist, depth...
A Poet Teaches the Writer’s Life

A Poet Teaches the Writer’s Life

Miriam Sagan is the author of over twenty books, including a memoir, Searching for a Mustard Seed : A Young Widow’s Unconventional Story (Winner best Memoir from Independent Publishers, 2004). Her poetry includes Rag Trade, The Widow’s Coat), and The Art of Love. Sagan directs the creative writing program at Santa Fe Community College, and has taught at the College of Santa Fe, University of New Mexico, Taos Institute of the Arts, Aspen Writer’s...