In Search of the Lost Feminine

Craig Barnes is an author, essayist, playwright and international mediator. In the 1980s he negotiated nuclear issues with leaders in the Academy of Sciences in the Kremlin, in the 1990s he facilitated talks between opposing sides in the war between Armenia and Azerbaijan and thereafter led talks to knit together transboundary water agreements between Kazakhstan, Uzbeckistan, Tajickistan, and Kyrghizstan. His books include In Search Of The Lost Feminine, Decoding...

The Sacred Use of the Coca Leaf

Kajuyali Tsamani (COL) – Shaman, initiated by Bernardo Moscote, Master Shaman of the Kogi Nation, indigenous people of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia. Play in new window | Download | EmbedSubscribe:...

Navigating the Deep Psyche

Stanislave Grof is one of the founders of the field of transpersonal psychology and a pioneering researcher into the use of altered states of consciousness for purposes of healing, growth, and insight. Grof received the VISION 97 award granted by the Foundation of Dagmar and Vaclav Havel in Prague on October 5, 2007. He developed a form of psychotherapy called Holotropic Breathwork believed to allow access to nonordinary states of consciousness....

Maria Sabrina & Albert Hoffmann Diplomats of Consciousness

Jeremy Narby is anthropologist and writer who spent several years living with the Ashaninca in the Peruvian Amazon cataloging indigenous uses of rainforest resources to help combat ecological destruction. Narby has written three books, as well as sponsored an expedition to the rainforest for biologists and other scientists to examine indigenous knowledge systems and the utility of Ayahuasca in gaining knowledge. Since 1989, Narby has been working as the Amazonian...

Understanding Human Design

Director of Human Design America. The Human Design System is a form of cosmology which partakes of Eastern and Western Astrology and synthesizes that system with the Hindu Chakra, the Kabbalah and the I Ching and is a new, unique and powerful system of knowledge which provides a framework for understanding human life itself and specific knowledge about each individual. Play in new window |...

Destiny in the Stars 1

Introducing the idea that Genius can be inherited, but not from blood-relations. In third talk John defines the “endowment” or genomic inheritance we each carry, and demonstrates how to read “Star Base,” his unique format of constellational astrology. In conclusion he proposes “biographic empathy,” and discusses the possible applications of this alternative system....