The Teaching of Experience

The Teaching of Experience

In this week’s episode Stephen Gray speaks with Joanna about: an all-embracing  journey from Tibetan Buddhism to the Native American Church; out of isolation, into reality; psychedelic medicines are non specific amplifiers; as present as possible, moment by moment; the importance of community and practice; trusting the now; the never-ending path; the special role of the Iboga medicine; the open-hearted, “don’t know mind”; rediscovering the...
The Ancient Language of Connection

The Ancient Language of Connection

In this week’s episode Robbie Holz speaks with Joanna about: from breakdown to breakthrough; opening up to the love of Mother Earth; a life-changing encounter in the Outback; allowing the energy of love; a vital message to women; the ancient language of connection; the energy of sacred places; communicating with everything; plugging into the greater consciousness; feeling the voice of the soul; embracing the unwanted parts of oneself; changing with the...
The Potential of Subtle Activism

The Potential of Subtle Activism

In this week’s episode David Nicol speaks with Joanna about: the growing potential of subtle activism; supporting wisdom and joy in the USA field; precedents of subtle activism – Sri Aurobindo, the Big Ben Project, Dion Fortune’s Magical Battle of Britain; the strong role of Earth-centered spiritualities; global meditations and the dawn of a new awareness; the joy and nourishment of subtle activism; working with the qualities of our deeper...
Magic is Everything

Magic is Everything

In this week’s episode, John Michael Greer speaks with Joanna about: discovering the convergence of spirituality and ecology; the circularity of reality; the world we live in is  a spiritual phenomenon; deconstructing the “you create your own reality” meme; the role of mystery schools; the beauty of limits; the dance of flow in balance; we are doing magic all the time; remembering the wider reality; doing one thing for the biosphere.   John...
Sky Shamans of Mongolia

Sky Shamans of Mongolia

In this week’s episode Kevin Turner speaks with Joanna about: nurtured in the womb of shamanism;  bringing spirit into this world; ordinary and non ordinary reality; Mongolian shamanism, alive and well; religious and political persecution and rearising of Mongolian shamanisms; three primary shamanic lineages in Mongolia; remembering the big picture and co-creating a dream that could be beautiful; extending the attention beyond the body; bringing East and...
Telling the Tales of Aliveness

Telling the Tales of Aliveness

In this week’s episode Randi Ya’el Chaikind speaks with Joanna about: we are natural born storytellers; the vital role of the witness; memory’s truth; revelations of the heart; out in the woods connected to the muse; a revelatory vision quest; called to be a Jewish shaman storyteller; Earth-based Hebrew wisdom; listening to the multiple voices of Nature; beyond healing lies creativity.   Randi Ya’el Chaikind, MPH has been an...