The Wilderness of Language

The Wilderness of Language

In this week’s episode, Dianna Slattery speaks with Joanna about: xenolinguistics, new species of language; meeting the Other/s, presences larger than life; playing the maze game; communication with a living language; going to school in a different realm; the work of becoming more conscious of our human and spiritual possibilities; outer and inner support systems; the balance between taking risks and safety; healing with psychedelics; entheogens: at the...
The Woman Who Knew the All

The Woman Who Knew the All

In this week’s episode, Jack Angelo speaks with Joanna about: an initiatic dream; messages in St. Baume cave; the Gnostic Mary Magdalene; the Gospel of the Seven Signs: a template for transformation; the soul and the Divine: individuality and Oneness; a body signal for heart-mind alignment; from the solar plexus into the heart;  the fountain of Wisdom; the heart resonance of Oneness;  a pristine, revolutionary spirituality; becoming heart-centered again....
Born to Be Blissful

Born to Be Blissful

In this week’s episode, Joseph Chilton Pearce speaks with Joanna about: what he considers his best work; the key for us to tap into our enormous potential; the radical importance of nurturing  human beings from the very beginning; the work of Michel Odent; special care of pregnant women; the possibility of ecstatic birth; beyond the fear of death: bliss and joy of the pure Spirit; the difference between joy and the state of bliss; the supreme, creative,...


In this special episode, Tao Ruspoli speaks with Joanna about his next film: the word “monogamish”; embracing our sexual and emotional complexity filming as inner exploration; the bigger questions about marriage; the taboos of monogamy; the fundamental conflict in human beings; breakdown/breakthrough of the social system. Tao Ruspoli is an Italian-American filmmaker; photographer, and musician. His feature debut, “Fix”, won the Festival...
Balam’s Kitchen

Balam’s Kitchen

In this week’s episode, Balam speaks with Joanna about: a story of personal and collective remembering; the teachings of the corn; working with the dreams of the future; creating ensouled community: La Cocina de Balam, a restaurant/performance/community center. Balam Lemus is a native of Guatemala. he has traveled extensively throughout Mexico and Guatemala studying human nature. As a child he heard stories from native healers and elders, and was taught to...
Everything That Lives is Plural

Everything That Lives is Plural

In this week’s episode, Eugenia Bone speaks with Joanna about: mycophilia, falling in  love with mushrooms; different cultural relationships with mushrooms: philia, phobia, shamanistic use; caution in wild harvesting; the interconnected world of fungi; the ecosystem of our bodies; medicinal applications of mushrooms; promising therapeutic research in psilocybin mushrooms: a personal, wonderful experience; the kitchen ecosystem: flavor and sustainability....