The Art of Sacred Activism

The Art of Sacred Activism

Filiz Telek is a social artist, process designer, poet/writer, community organizer and a transition host whose purpose is to serve the transition of the humanity and the planet to the new paradigm by awakening a sense of possibility and sacred in human heart and spirit. Her photography – especially of the people in their most vulnerable and authentic expressions – is a reflection of her love for the world. She sees and shows beauty. Because amidst the ongoing...
“Surviving Timothy Leary and Everything Else”

“Surviving Timothy Leary and Everything Else”

For my friends and allies in Santa Fe, I am giving a performance talk and book signing next Saturday June 7th at 6:30 pm at Iconik Coffee Roasters, 1600 Lena Street Santa Fe. $20 – Includes a signed copy of my book “Tripping the Bardo with Timothy Leary”. $5 – for those who already have a copy of my memoir. $5 – for  those under 25 does not include the book. A special entry to foster inclusion of the younger generation. info:...
The Courage to Care

The Courage to Care

Alan Clements was one of the first Westerners to ordain as a Buddhist monk in Burma where he lived in a monastery during the 1970s and 1980s. Years later, he integrated into his classical Buddhist training a political awareness that included global human rights, environmental sanity, democracy and the preciousness of everyday freedom. His efforts working on behalf of oppressed peoples led a former director of Amnesty International to call Alan “one of the...
What Cannot Be Conveyed

What Cannot Be Conveyed

Henry Shukman is an English poet and writer. His first poetry collection, “In Dr No’s Garden” won the Jerwood Aldeburgh Poetry Prize. His book was also the Book of the Year in The Times and The Guardian, and he was selected as a Next Generation Poet in 2004. As a fiction writer he won the Author’s Club First Novel Award in 2006 for his short novel “Sandstorm”. His second novel, “The Lost City”, was a The Guardian Book of...
Intimacy as Spiritual Practice

Intimacy as Spiritual Practice

Allan Badiner is a writer, teacher, and an activist with a special interest in how Buddhism relates to modern social problems. He is a contributing editor at Tricycle magazine, and serves on the board of Rainforest Action Network. Allan edited, “Zig Zag Zen: Buddhism and Psychedelics”, “Dharma Gaia: A Harvest in Buddhism and Ecology”, and “Mindfulness in the Marketplace: Compassionate Responses to Consumerism”. Allan holds a masters degree in Buddhist Studies from...
Future Primal

Future Primal

Dr. Louis G. Herman, professor of political science at the University of Hawai‘i – West O‘ahu, has recently published “Future Primal: How our Wilderness Origins Show us the Way Forward”, a stunning book that responds to the multiple crises of globalized humanity by recovering the classical project of political philosophy—the truth quest—as “the search for the best way to live.” The story of the philosopher’s personal search becomes an entry into “big...