Supported By A Loving Wisdom

Supported By A Loving Wisdom

Gary Sherman has been a psychotherapist and teacher of meditation and self-awareness for over thirty-five years. Currently, Gary is an educator and teacher, who is committed to exploring our deepest human potential and translating the results into practical knowledge that can be used to elevate our lives. His present work embodies the educational process, called Perceptual Integration that he developed for training others in becoming self-aware. Ellen Miller has...
A Scream for Unconditional Love

A Scream for Unconditional Love

This is a candid and intimate interview with Dr. Gabor Maté. A renowned speaker, and bestselling author, Dr. Gabor Maté is highly sought after for his expertise on a range of topics including addiction, stress and childhood development. Rather than offering quick-fix solutions to these complex issues, Dr. Maté weaves together scientific research, case histories, and his own insights and experience to present a broad perspective that enlightens and empowers people...
The Light-giving Language/El Lenguaje Que Da Luz

The Light-giving Language/El Lenguaje Que Da Luz

Américo Yábar is a poet, writer, founder of the poetic movement Salk’a (free energy, non-domesticated) that connects all the beings of the Pachamama and the infinite spaces of the cosmos. For many years, Américo has been doing mountain therapies , dedicated to the research and dissemination of contemporary and old ways. He was born and lives in the Andes mountains. In those illuminated, high immensities, with a clear identification with the Pachamama in a...
Kindness and Dignity are Lovers

Kindness and Dignity are Lovers

Joanna speaks with Cecile Lipworth  about her book “Tripping the Bardo with Timothy Leary”: the historic and politic context; a sinchronistic encounter; the medicines of Gaia; my outlaw philosopher; looking down at the abyss; the solution is dissolution; the soul fancy dress party; recapitulation and healing; responsible expansion of consciousness; facing the personal and cultural shadow; becoming an authentic, empowered woman; the greatest taste on...
Animate Earth

Animate Earth

Stephan Harding is the author of “Animate Earth: Science, Intuition and Gaia” (published in 2006 by Green Books in the UK and in 2007 by Chelsea Green in the USA). Holding a doctorate in ecology from the University of Oxford, Stephan taught wildlife ecology at the National University in Costa Rica before joining Schumacher College, the renowned international center for transdisciplinary ecological studies in rural England. Stephan has been the resident...
Loving a Sentient Cosmos

Loving a Sentient Cosmos

Robert Tindall, M.A. is a writer, classical guitarist, long-time practitioner of Zen Buddhism, and an inveterate traveler, whose work explores the crossing of frontiers into other cultures, time depths, and states of consciousness. He is the author of two books on shamanism, “The Jaguar that Roams the Mind” and “The Shamanic Odyssey: Homer, Tolkien, and the Visionary Experience”, along with numerous articles on themes such as pilgrimage...