We are Nature

We are Nature

Desa Van Laarhoven joined the Marion Institute in 2006 after volunteering to organize the first Connecting for Change: A Bioneers by the Bay conference. She has been the Executive Director since 2007, and works assiduously to oversee and develop the programs and Serendipity projects of the Marion Institute. Desa has her B.A. in Biology with a minor in Environmental Science from Stonehill College. Before her work at the Marion Institute, Desa spent time...
Psychedelic Healing

Psychedelic Healing

Neal M. Goldsmith, Ph.D. is a psychotherapist specializing in psychospiritual development and resistance to change. Dr. Goldsmith applies innovative techniques drawn from many schools of thought and traditional practices, such as Psychosynthesis, Imago Relationship Therapy, regressive psychotherapies, Rogerian client-centered counseling, yoga psychology, and other humanistic, transpersonal and eastern traditions.  He facilitates deep life review, awakening to...
The Green Cure

The Green Cure

Alex Polari de Alverga spent years as a political prisoner during the rule of the military junta in Brazil, enduring torture, brutality, and deprivation. On his release from captivity, he encountered the Santo Daime religion and is currently a padrinho (spiritual father) in the spiritual community of Mapiá. He is author of The Religion of Ayahuasca: The Teachings of the Church of Santo Daime. www.nossairmandade.com/forest.php Alex speaks with Joanna about the...
Falling In Love With The Wild

Falling In Love With The Wild

Dr. Jamie K. Reaser is a practitioner and teacher of ecopsychology, nature-based spirituality, and various approaches to expanding human consciousness, as well as a conservation ecologist, poet, writer, artist, and homesteader-in-progress. She has extensive training in leadership development, communications, conflict transformation, dream work, ceremonial design, wilderness rites-of-passage, and group facilitation, and has studied traditional knowledge and healing...
The Sacredness of the Earth

The Sacredness of the Earth

Leslie M. Browning is a poet,writer, and longtime student of Religion, Spirituality, Nature, Language and Philosophy as such these themes permeate her work. Raised a Catholic, she studied both the Traditional and Apocrypha doctrine before her spiritual search eventually crossed into the other religions of the world, compelling her to investigate: Judaism, Tibetan Buddhism, Druidry and Shamanism. In 2004, following several years of life-changing events, Browning...