Sensory Awareness

Sensory Awareness

Stefan Laeng-Gilliatt has studied Sensory Awareness and related practices since 1980, having studied and worked extensively with Charlotte Selver until her death in 2003. He was president and executive manager of the Sensory Awareness Foundation from 1995 through 2007. Born and raised in Switzerland, he studied Meditation-Based Gestalt Therapy and Bioenergetic Analysis with Marcel Geisser and Gestalt Therapy with Seymour Carter and Walter Zünd. He has been a...
The Deep Intelligence of Plants Ecology

The Deep Intelligence of Plants Ecology

Stephen Harrod Buhner is an Earth poet and the award-winning author of ten books on nature, indigenous cultures, the environment, and herbal medicine. He lectures yearly throughout the United States on herbal medicine, the sacredness of plants, the intelligence of Nature, and the states of mind necessary for successful habitation of Earth. His website Gaian Studies is a non-profit organization exploring – and participating with – the non-linear...
Addiction Treatment with Ibogaine

Addiction Treatment with Ibogaine

Rocky Caravelli is the primary facilitator and founder of Awakening in the Dream house, an innovative treatment and rehabilitation center near Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, that uses ibogaine, an entheogenic alkaloid of the iboga plant. He worked at the Ibogaine Association for 1 year and has run the Dream House for 2 1/2 years. He also spent 2 years providing treatments in the underground US community....
A Women Speaks the Truth

A Women Speaks the Truth

Jodie Evans has worked on behalf of community, social-justice, environmental, and political causes for more than thirty years. As Director of Administration in former California Governor Jerry Brown’s cabinet and staff, Jodie championed environmental causes, resulting in breakthroughs in wind and solar technology and worked to bring historic diversity into the staff and appointments. As Manager of Governor Brown’s 1992 Presidential Campaign, Jodie...
The End of the Gender Wars

The End of the Gender Wars

Stuart Sovatsky, PhD received the only US Federal grant (1976) to bring yoga and Sanskrit chanting to incarcerated youth, was first in the US to introduce yoga (1978) to the homeless mentally-ill; convened the first International Prison Yoga Conference and is initiating co-convener of the forty-country World Congress on Psychology and Spirituality, 2008, in Delhi, India, with Robert Thurman, Stan Grof and BKS Iyengar. He has authored numerous books and poetic...

The True Spirit of Alaska

Dorothy Shockley is a Legislative Aide to Senator Albert M. Kookish of Alaska. She is a Native Alaskan and talks about the “True Spirit of Alaska” and the life of First People in rural Alaska. Play in new window | Download | EmbedSubscribe:...